Bible Society of South Africa

A brief history of isiZulu Bible 2020

The first complete Bible in isiZulu was published by the American Bible Society in 1883. The translation that is mainly in use today was published by the Bible Society of South Africa for the first time in 1959.

A dynamic translation of the New Testament and Psalms was published in 1986. Unfortunately, the project co-ordinator, Dean Nils Joëlson from the Lutheran Church, retired and returned to Sweden and the translation project came to a halt. Many churches using the isiZulu Bible asked the Bible Society to restart the translation project and to translate the Old Testament. For various reasons it was only possible to restart the project in August 2009.

IBhayibheli lokuqala eliphelele lesiZulu lakhishwa yiNhlangano yeBhayibheli yaseMelika ngonyaka we-1883. Isihumusho esisetshenziswa kakhulu kulezi zinsuku sakhishwa yiNhlangayo yeBhayibheli yaseNingizimu Afrika okokuqala ngonyaka we-1959.

Isihumusho esimqondofana nolimi okususelwa kulo seThestamente Elisha namaHubo sakhishwa ngonyaka we-1986. Ngeshwa, umholi wabahumushi, uDean Nils Joëlson owayevela ebandleni lamaLuthela wathatha umhlalaphansi, waphindela kwelakubo eSweden; lwase luma kanjalo-ke uhlelo lokuhumusha.

Amabandla amaningi asebenzisa iBhayibheli lesiZulu ayicela iNhlangano yeBhayibheli ukuba iqhubeke nohlelo lokuhumusha iThestamente Elidala. Kuze kwaqalwa ukuhumusha ngoMandulo  ngonyaka wezi-2009, ngenxa yezizathu ezithile.

Dr Masenyani Baloyi, head of the Bible Society of South Africa’s Translation department explains the reasons for a new Bible translation in the Zulu language as well as the process involved.

More information on the isiZulu Bible website.

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