Bible Society of South Africa

Delete my data

You can delete your BibleSA account and personal data* that is stored with your account on the My account page. Please log in to your account and use the Delete account tab to delete your account and data.

You can also delete your account from the bottom of the My account page in the BibleSA app if you are logged in to the app.

Other Bible Society of South Africa apps

You can delete your language specific app account and personal data* in the app if you are logged in.

Go to:
Menu > My Account > (Sign in >) Change Profile > Delete Account

To delete your personal data from a Bible Stories app, see below.

Other options

If you are unable to do any of the above or want to delete your personal data from a Bible Stories app, please send the e-mail address registered with us to [email protected] and let us know which app you want the data deleted from.

* Your account and personal data includes name, e-mail address, notes, highlights, etc.

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