Bible Society of South Africa

Frequently Asked Questions

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- BibleSA team

How can I change my username?

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Step 1: Hover the mouse over your name and click “My account” in the list

Step 2: Your first name is your username, re-type a new one and click “Save”

Step 3: You’ll notice your username in the top right menu has changed

How do I disable notifications?

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Step 1: In the mobile app, open the menu by selecting the three striped button in the top left corner

Step 2: Select “My account”

Step 3: Scroll down to find the notification section that allows you to manage your notifications

Step 4: Click on the switch to deactivate  or activate  your notification

How can I download a Bible?

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In order to download a Bible, you have to create an account first.

Step 1: For more information on downloading the app, click here

Step 2: Once in the app open the menu by clicking the three stripes in the top left corner

Step 3: Select “My Library”

Step 4: Scroll through the list of available Bibles

Step 5: Find the Bible translation of your choice and click on the download button

Step 6: After you have successfully downloaded a Bible, you can click on it in order to select it as your default Bible

How do I download the app?

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Step 1: The BibleSA app is available in the ‘App Store’ for iPhone and ‘Google Play’ for Android

Step 2: Alternatively, you can go to the website and navigate to “Resources” in the menu

Step 3: Selecting “BibleSA App”

Step 4: You will be directed to a page with the links to both stores

How do I change the display settings?


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Step 1: You can customise you display options when reading the Bible by selecting “Options” just underneath the top menu bar

Step 2: You will find four categories that you can change to customise your reading experience:

  • Adjust how the Scripture is displayed under General
  • Select the size of the Bible text under Font size
  • Choose from four different font types options under Font
  • Change the background colour under Reading Mode


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Step 1: You can customise you display options when reading the Bible by selecting “Aa” just next to the menu icon (three stripped lines)

Step 2: You will find four categories that you can change to customise your reading experience:

  • Select the size of the Bible text under Size
  • Choose from four different font types options under the drop down “Noto Serif
  • Change the background colour by clicking the Sun , Moon ,  or Rain Drop  Icons
    Adjust how the Scripture is displayed under More Display Options

How can I access audio Bibles?

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Step 1: When available, audio Bibles can be accessed on the mobile app once you’ve created a free account

Step 2: If an audio Bible is available for your selected Bible translation, you will find a speaker icon in the top menu bar (just before the search icon)

Step 3: Click on the speaker icon in order to listen to the Scripture

Step 4: A sub-menu will appear with media player features (including pause, next, previous and loop)

Step 5: The pause feature   ,  pauses and plays the audio

Step 6: The next feature   moves to the next Scripture

Step 7: The previous feature   moves to the previous Scripture

Step 8: The loop feature   allows you to continue playing the audio for all Scriptures from that point on, when the loop feature is off  it only plays the audio for the current Scripture

You can also confirm if an audio Bible is available under “My Library”

Step 1: Select “My Library” and scroll through the list of available Bibles

Step 2: Bibles with a speaker icon indicate that an audio version is available in addition to the Bible text

How can I highlight or copy verses and make notes?


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Step 1: Select the verse you would like to highlight or create your own note for


Step 2: You have the option to select multiple verses


Step 3: A sub-menu bar will appear (with a blue background) just underneath the top menu bar. Select the note button ​ to create a note

  • Create a title and add your note in the relevant fields and select save.
  • A new icon will appear in the beginning of the selected Scripture passage.
  •  You can hover over the icon to view your note

Step 4: Select the edit button  and choose a colour to highlight the selected verse or multiple verses

  • The selected Scripture will then be highlighted

Removing notes and highlights

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Step 1: Hover over the note icon in the verse 

Step 2: You are now able to edit and delete the note

Step 3: Click the edit icon   to edit the not

Step 4: Click the delete icon  to delete the note

Step 5: To remove a highlight you have to click the highlighted verse

Step 6: Then click on the highlight icon  in the sub-menu (blue background)

Step 7: Select the delete button from the list

Copying text

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Step 1: Click on the verse(s) you want to copy to select them

Step 2: Click the copy button to display the copy options

Step 3: Select any additional texts that you would like to include with the copied text e.g. Titles, Chapter numbers and/or Verse numbers

Step 4: Click the blue “Copy” button below the options. A green confirmation message is displayed when the text was successfully copied to your clipboard. Press Ctrl + V (Windows) or ⌘ + V (MAC) to paste the selected text somewhere else


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Step 1: Open the menu by selecting the three stripped button

Step 2: Select “My Bible”

Step 3: Select a verse or multiple verses

Step 4: You’ll notice an additional pop-up bar at the bottom of your screen

Step 5: In this bar, there is a notes button to your left and a highlight button to your right

Step 6: Selecting the notes button will activate a text field for you to type your note

Step 7: When you’re done typing the note, you’ll see a button called “users notes” in the bottom bar

Step 8: Selecting this button extends the bar showing you your notes

Step 9: You can choose to edit   or delete  the note

Step 10: In the bottom bar selecting the highlight button will highlight the verse

Step 11: The bar will have an extension to change the colours of the highlight or to cancel it by selecting the colour with an “X” in it

How do I start a reading plan?

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Step 1: The reading plan is only available in the mobile app and an account is needed in order to access it.

Step 2: In the mobile app, open the menu by selecting the three striped button in the top left corner.

Step 3: Select “Reading plans”.

Step 4: Scroll through the reading plan options and select the plan that you would like to start.

Step 5: Subscribe to the plan by clicking “Subscribe”.

Step 6: Select the “Today” button to start the plan.

Step 7: You will then receive a notification with your reading plan daily until you’ve completed the plan. If you have opted not to receive notifications, please access your plan under “Reading plans” in the main menu.

Step 8: You can unsubscribe at any time.

How can I search for specific words?


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Step 1: Ensure that you are on the home page. (Select the “Home” button in the top right menu.)

Step 2: Select the “Start searching…” field and type a word, phrase or Scripture reference

  • You can refine your search results by opting to only search in a specific Bible. However, you can also search in news articles or the Verse-a-day daily devotion

Step 3: Select the search button next to it

Step 4: Browse through the search results and select the Scripture passage that you would like to read

Step 5: Select one you would like to read

App (method 1)

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Step 1: If you are not already on the “home” screen, select the three striped button in the top left corner and select the “Home” button

Step 2: On the top of the page click in the “Search by keyword or passage” field and type a word, phrase or Scripture reference

Step 3: Scroll through the results and select one you wold like to read

Step 4: By selecting the “All results” button you can refine your search results by opting to only search in a specific Bible. You also have the option to search in news articles or the Verse-a-day daily devotion

App (method 2)

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Step 1: Open the menu by selecting the three striped button in the top left corner

Step 2: Select “Search”

Step 3: Click in the “Search by keyword or passage” field and type a word, phrase or Scripture reference

Step 4: Scroll through the results and select one you would like to read

Step 5: You have the option to limit your search to Bible text only or search through the available content, including news and the Verse-a-day daily devotion

How do I reset my password?

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Step 1: Select the “Sign-In” button in the top left menu

Step 2: Select “I forgot my password”

Step 3: Enter your email address and select “Change password”

Step 4: You will receive an email confirming your password change request

Step 5: Go to the email and select the “click here” link

Step 6: Enter a new password and repeat the password for confirmation

Step 7: Select the orange button

How do I create an account?


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Step 1: Select “Try for free” in the top menu

Step 2: Complete the “Sign-up” form

Step 3: Agree to the T’s and C’s, etc.

Step 4: Select “Sign up”

Sign Up Image


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