Bible Society of South Africa

Season after Pentecost: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

First reading and Psalm

Jeremiah's Letter to the Jews in Babylonia

1I wrote a letter to the priests, the prophets, the leaders of the people, and to all the others whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken away as prisoners from Jerusalem to Babylonia.

Jeremiah 29:1GNBOpen in Bible reader

4“The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those people whom he allowed Nebuchadnezzar to take away as prisoners from Jerusalem to Babylonia: 5‘Build houses and settle down. Plant gardens and eat what you grow in them. 6Marry and have children. Then let your children get married, so that they also may have children. You must increase in numbers and not decrease. 7Work for the good of the cities where I have made you go as prisoners. Pray to me on their behalf, because if they are prosperous, you will be prosperous too.

Jeremiah 29:4-7GNBOpen in Bible reader

A Song of Praise and Thanksgiving

1Praise God with shouts of joy, all people!

2Sing to the glory of his name;

offer him glorious praise!

3Say to God, “How wonderful are the things you do!

Your power is so great

that your enemies bow down in fear before you.

4Everyone on earth worships you;

they sing praises to you,

they sing praises to your name.”

5Come and see what God has done,

his wonderful acts for mankind.

6He changed the sea into dry land;

our ancestors crossed the river on foot.

There we rejoiced because of what he did.

7He rules for ever by his might

and keeps his eyes on the nations.

Let no rebels rise against him.

8Praise our God, all nations;

let your praise be heard.

9He has kept us alive

and has not allowed us to fall.

10You have put us to the test, God;

as silver is purified by fire

so you have tested us.

11You let us fall into a trap

and placed heavy burdens on our backs.

12You let our enemies trample over us;

we went through fire and flood,

but now you have brought us to a place of safety.

Psalms 66:1-12GNBOpen in Bible reader
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