Bible Society of South Africa

Seisoen na Pinkster: Proper 24 (29)

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The LORD Answers Job

1Then out of the storm the LORD spoke to Job.


2Who are you to question my wisdom

with your ignorant, empty words?

3Now stand up straight

and answer the questions I ask you.

4Were you there when I made the world?

If you know so much, tell me about it.

5Who decided how large it would be?

Who stretched the measuring line over it?

Do you know all the answers?

6What holds up the pillars that support the earth?

Who laid the cornerstone of the world?

7In the dawn of that day the stars sang together,

and the heavenly beings shouted for joy.

Job 38:1-7GNBOpen in Bible reader

34Can you shout orders to the clouds

and make them drench you with rain?

35And if you command the lightning to flash,

will it come to you and say, “At your service”?

36Who tells the ibis when the Nile will flood,

or who tells the cock that rain will fall?

37Who is wise enough to count the clouds

and tilt them over to pour out the rain,

38rain that hardens the dust into lumps?

39Do you find food for lions to eat,

and satisfy hungry young lions

40when they hide in their caves,

or lie in wait in their dens?

41Who is it that feeds the ravens

when they wander about hungry,

when their young cry to me for food?

Job 38:34-41GNBOpen in Bible reader

In Praise of the Creator

1Praise the LORD, my soul!

O LORD, my God, how great you are!

You are clothed with majesty and glory;

2you cover yourself with light.

You have spread out the heavens like a tent

3and built your home on the waters above.

You use the clouds as your chariot

and ride on the wings of the wind.

4You use the winds as your messengers

and flashes of lightning as your servants.

5You have set the earth firmly on its foundations,

and it will never be moved.

6You placed the ocean over it like a robe,

and the water covered the mountains.

7When you rebuked the waters, they fled;

they rushed away when they heard your shout of command.

8They flowed over the mountains and into the valleys,

to the place you had made for them.

9You set a boundary they can never pass,

to keep them from covering the earth again.

Psalms 104:1-9GNBOpen in Bible reader

24LORD, you have made so many things!

How wisely you made them all!

The earth is filled with your creatures.

Psalms 104:24GNBOpen in Bible reader

35May sinners be destroyed from the earth;

may the wicked be no more.

Praise the LORD, my soul!

Praise the LORD!

Psalms 104:35GNBOpen in Bible reader
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