Bible Society of South Africa

Healing the hurt of rape and abuse – Day 2

The horror of rape

(Di)temana ya Bibele


8Tamare a ya moo gomme a hwetša Amnone a patlamile. A tšea bupi a bo duba, gomme a bopa dinkgwana moo Amnone a bego a kgona go mmona. Ke moka a paka dinkgwana tšeo, 9gomme a tšea pane a di kgotholela sebjaneng gore Amnone a di je, eupša a gana go di ja. A re: “Lena ba bangwe ka moka tšwaang” – gomme ka moka ga bona ba tšwa. 10Ke moo a itšego go yena: “Tliša dinkgwana tšeo mo malaong a ka gomme o nteše tšona ka seatla sa gago.” Tamare a tšea dinkgwana tšela a ya go yena. 11Ge a sa mo fa tšona, Amnone a mo swara mme a re: “Tlaa o robale le nna!”

2 SAMUELE 13:8-11NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


12Tamare a re: “Aowa, kgaetšedi, hle, o se ke wa nkata! Taba yeo e a šiiša, ga e dirwe mo Israele! 13Ke tla sepela bjang gare ga batho? Gomme ge e le wena o tla goboga kudu mo Israele. Hle, bolela le kgoši, mme ke tloga ke kgolwa gore o tla go neela nna.” 14Eupša Amnone a se ke a mo theetša; gomme ka ge a be a na le maatla go feta Tamare, a mo uša a mo robala.

2 SAMUELE 13:12-14NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


15Ka morago ga moo Amnone a hloya Tamare kudukudu; bjale o ile a mo hloya kudu go feta ka moo a bego a mo rata pele. A re go yena: “Tšwaa!”

16Tamare a mo fetola a re: “Aowaa, go nthaka ka mokgwa wo ke bobe bjo bogolo go feta bjo o sa tšwago go ntira bjona.”

Eupša Amnone a se ke a mo theetša; 17o ile a bitša mohlanka wa gagwe a re: “Tloša mosadi yo mo pele ga ka! Mo kgoromeletše ntle mme o notlele lemati!”

2 SAMUELE 13:15-17NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

When she got there, he was lying in bed. She mixed the dough, made the loaves, and baked them while he watched. Then she took the bread out of the pan and put it on his plate, but he refused to eat it.
Amnon said, “Send the servants out of the house.” After they had gone, he said to Tamar, “Serve the food in my bedroom.”
Tamar picked up the bread that she had made and brought it into Amnon’s bedroom. But as she was taking it over to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!”

Tamar begs him not to shame her.

“No! Please don’t force me! This sort of thing isn’t done in Israel. It’s too disgusting! Think of me. I’ll be disgraced for ever! And think of yourself. Everyone in Israel will say you’re nothing but a load of rubbish! Just ask the king, and he will let you marry me.”
But Amnon would not listen to what she said. He was stronger than she was, so he overpowered her and raped her.

After getting his way with her, Amnon turns his back on Tamar in disgust:

Then Amnon hated her even more than he had loved her before. So he told her, “Get up and get out!”
She said, “Don’t send me away! That would be worse than what you have already done.”
But Amnon would not listen. He called in his servant and said, “Throw this woman out and lock the door!”

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