Bible Society of South Africa

Healing the hurt of rape and abuse – Day 6

Healing the hurt

(Di)temana ya Bibele


14Lentšu la ka le be le fokola bjalo ka la peolane,

ke lla bjalo ka leeba.

Mahlo a ka a be a lebelela godimo ka go lapa.

Ka re hle, Morena, nkimolle bothateng bjo.

JESAYA 38:14NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


16Mong wa ka, ke phelela wena, wena fela;

hle, mphodiše o mphediše.

JESAYA 38:16NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


3le go išetša ba ba llago kwa Sione lethabo.

Ba ka se sa itšhela dihlogo ka mobu,

goba ba apara diaparo tša go ilela,

eupša ba tla apara tša botšhepi,

mme ba tlola ka dinkgabose.

Ba tla opela ditumišo bakeng sa go nyama.

Ba tla swana le mehlare ye Morena a e bjetšego ka boyena.

Ba tla dira tše di lokilego,

mme ba reta Modimo ka lebaka la tše a di dirilego.

JESAYA 61:3NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Prayer enables the power of God to come into a situation to heal the hurt and suffering of the victims and undo the bad touch that they felt at the time of the abuse.

I cry like a swallow;
I mourn like a dove.
My eyes are red
from looking to you, Lord.
I am terribly abused.
Please come and help me.

Your words and your deeds
bring life to everyone,
including me.
Please make me healthy
and strong again.

He sent me to give them flowers
in place of their sorrow,
olive oil in place of tears,
and joyous praise
in place of broken hearts.

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