Bible Society of South Africa
Gawie van Jaarsveld

Book of Philippians – Day 9

Joy and the troubles of life

(Di)temana ya Bibele


6Le se balabale ka selo; sengwe le sengwe se le se nyakago le se kgopele go Modimo ka moya wa thapelo le tebogo. 7Ke mo Modimo a tlago le phefiša go ja pelo le go tshwenyega le le ba Kriste Jesu, mo e lego gore ga go motho yo a kago kwešiša.

BAFILIPI 4:6-7NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

• Which verse or word would you like to reflect about more?
• We have this comfort when we pray: God’s peace is like a guard that keeps our thoughts safe.

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