Bible Society of South Africa

A tale of two stories – Day 1

(Di)temana ya Bibele


26Gape Modimo a re: “Bjale a re direng batho ka seswantšho sa rena, ba swane le rena. Ba tla laola dihlapi, le dinonyana, le diruiwa, le diphoofolo tša lešoka, le digagabi ka moka tša lefase.” 27Ka gona Modimo a hlola batho, a ba dira gore ba swane le yena. A ba dira e le monna le mosadi, 28a ba šegofatša mme a re go bona: “Le beng le bana ba bantši gore ditlogolo tša lena di tle di phele gohle lefaseng mme di le laole. Ke le bea balaodi ba dihlapi le dinonyana le diphedi tšohle tša lefase. 29Ke le file dimela tšohle tša peu lefaseng ka moka le mehlare yohle ya dienywa tša peu, gore e be dijo tša lena. 30Ge e le diphoofolo tša lešoka le dinonyana le digagabi ka moka, tšona ke di file ditala tšohle gore e be dijo tša tšona” – gwa direga bjalo.

GENESE 1:26-30NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


20Ka fao monna a rea dinonyana le diruiwa tšohle le diphoofolo tšohle tša lešoka maina, fela a hloka le e tee ya tšona ye e ka bago mothuši yo a mo swanetšego.

21Ke moo Morena Modimo a swarišitšego monna boroko bjo bogolo, mme a re a sa robetše, a ntšha kgopo e tee ya monna mme a thiba sekgala sela ka nama. 22Ka kgopo yeo a dira mosadi mme a mo tliša go monna. 23Ke fao monna a itšego:

“Bjale gona ke bile ke hweditše

yo a swanago le nna –

lešapo le le ntšhitšwego mašapong a ka,

le nama ye e ntšhitšwego nameng ya ka.

Leina la gagwe ke ‘mosadi’,

ka gobane o ntšhitšwe go monna.”

24Ke ka fao monna a tlogelago tatagwe le mmagwe, a kopana le mosadi wa gagwe, mme bobedi bja bona ya ba mmele o tee.

GENESE 2:20-24NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


Ditlogolo tša Adamo

1-2Ge Modimo a bopa batho, o ba dirile gore ba swane le yena. O ba bopile ka botona le botshadi, a ba šegofatša mme a ba bitša gore ke “batho”.

Le ke lenaneo la ditlogolo tša Adamo.

GENESE 5:1-2NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

1. Compare Genesis 1:26-30 and Genesis 2:20-24

(a) What are your thoughts and feelings when you read these two very different accounts of the creation of man and woman?
(b) “Hear the word of the Lord” applies to both texts. Should we take the creation story literally? What are the implications if we do? And, if we don’t?
(c) According to the ‘first’ creation story, God created both man and woman in God’s “own image” Gen 1:27.
(i) If women and men are created in the image of God, what does it say about women; about men; about God?
(ii) What then, do you make of Paul’s message to the people in Corinth when he says that a man “is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman but woman for man” (1 Cor11:7-9)?
(iii) What would you say to Paul if he told you, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed “first” was his (Paul’s) advice to Timothy (1 Tim 2:12-13)?
(d) What would you say is the value of considering both creation stories for women and men in your context?

Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1