Bible Society of South Africa

Go, tell … – Day 15

(Di)temana ya Bibele


10Ke moka barutiwa bale ba boela gae.

Jesu o itšweletša go Maria Magadalena

11Maria o be a eme ka ntle ga lebitla a lla. Ya re a sa lla bjalo a inama a hlodimela ka lebitleng, 12gomme a bona barongwa ba babedi ba go apara diaparo tše ditšhweu ba dutše mola go bego go beilwe setopo sa Jesu, yo mongwe a le ka dihlogong, yo mongwe a le ka maotong. 13Ba mmotšiša ba re: “Mosadi, o llelang?”

Yena a re: “Ba tšere setopo sa Morena wa ka, gomme ga ke tsebe mo ba se beilego gona.”

14Ge a seno realo a retologa, gomme a bona Jesu a eme moo, fela a se tsebe gore ke yena. 15Jesu a mmotšiša a re: “Mosadi, o reng o lla? O nyaka mang?”

Maria, ka go gopola gore yoo ke moletaserapa, a re go yena: “Morena, ge eba ke wena o tšerego mohu, mpotše mo o mmeilego gona, gomme ke tla mo lata.”

16Jesu a mmitša a re: “Maria!”

Yena a retologela go yena, a re ka Seheberu: “Rabuni!” (Ke go re “Moruti”.)

17Jesu a re go yena: “O se ke wa ntshwara, ka gobane ga sešo ka rotogela go Tate. Wena eya go banabešo o yo ba botša gore ke rotogela go yo e lego Tate le Tatagobona, go yo e lego Modimo wa ka le Modimo wa bona.”

18Ke ge Maria a eya a fihla a botša barutiwa gore o bone Morena, gomme a ba anegela tše Morena a mmoditšego tšona.

JOHANESE 20:10-18NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

“Mary”! Her first reaction was to embrace him. Hearing him call her by her name, must have caused her heart to jump with joy. Jesus calls her by name without identifying her with the place she comes from – Magdala. He recognizes her for who she is and not where she is from.

1. What is the first thing Mary tells the disciples?

2. Why, do you think, Mary was the first person whom Jesus appeared to?

3. Is it possible that she was the “beloved disciple”? (See John 1:37-40).

4. “Rabboni”! Her immediate reaction was to reach out and hug him as she used to. But Jesus has a mission, and so does she. “Go … go tell …”

5. Go! Tell … What is your mission in a context where violence is perpetrated against women – just because they are women?

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