Bible Society of South Africa

In her memory – Day 13

(Di)temana ya Bibele


Jesu o a lakanwa

1Go be go šetše matšatši a mabedi pele ga Monyanya wa Paseka le wa Dinkgwa tše di se nago komelo. Baprista ba bagolo le boramangwalo ba be ba lakane go swara Jesu ka bohwirihwiri, gore ba tle ba mmolaye. 2Ba re: “E se be ka nako ya monyanya, gore setšhaba se se ke sa tsoša mpherefere.”

Jesu o tlotšwa motseng wa Bethania

3Jesu o be a le motseng wa Bethania, ka ga Simone, monna yo a bego a kile a swarwa ke bolwetši bja letlalo bja go mo tšhilafatša. Ya re Jesu a sa ja, mosadi yo mongwe a tla a swere sedibelo sa leswika le le bitšwago alapastere se tletše senkgabose se se sego sa tswakwa sa theko ye kgolo sa narete, a fihla a thuba sedibelo sela, mme a tšhela Jesu ka senkgabose seo hlogong. 4Ba bangwe ba ba bego ba le moo ba selekega, ba botšišana ba re: “O senyetšang senkgabose se? 5Etse se ka be se rekišitšwe dipapetlana tša silibera tša go feta tše makgolo a mararo, gomme tšhelete yeo ya fiwa badiidi!” Ya ba ba mo sola kudu.

6Jesu a re: “Mo leseng, le mo tshwenyetšang? Gape o ntiretše se sebotse. 7Gobane badiidi le na le bona ka mehla, gomme le ka ba thuša nako ye nngwe le ye nngwe ge le rata; eupša nna le ka se be le nna ka mehla. 8Yena o dirile se a bego a se kgona; o tšhetše mmele wa ka ka senkgabose go o lokišetša poloko le ge nako e sešo ya fihla. 9Ruri, ke le botša gore gohle lefaseng mo Ebangedi ye e tlago begwa gona, go tla bolelwa le se mosadi yo a se dirilego, e le gore a fele a gopolwa.”

Judase o rekwa gore a eke Jesu

10Yo mongwe wa barutiwa ba Jesu ba lesome le metšo ye mebedi, yo leina la gagwe e bego e le Judase Iskariote, a ya go baprista ba bagolo gore a ba gafele yena. 11Bona ge ba di kwa, ba thaba, mme ba mo holofetša tšhelete. Ke moka Judase a thoma go nyaka nako ye e lebanego ya go gafela Jesu diatleng tša bona.

MARKOSE 14:1-11NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

The scene shifts from chief priests and scribes plotting to arrest Jesus and kill him to a dinner at the home “Simon the Leper”. Here an unnamed woman pours very expensive perfume on Jesus’ head. The woman’s action was not welcome and the guests express much criticism. Jesus interrupts them and sings the woman’s praises.

1. This unnamed woman “did what she could” (14:8). Did she perhaps know and understood what was about to happen? Was this a prophetic act?

2. How are we to tell the story “in memory of her” when we don’t know her name?

3. Read verses 9 and 10 again. What prompted Judas to go to the chief priests?

4. Note that the woman spent money to do “a beautiful thing” for Jesus with her hands while Judas was about to make money by handing Jesus over. Does this observation reflect anything in your own context?

Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1