Bible Society of South Africa

God is still God and He sees everything that is hidden – 24 November 2020

Deur Benescke Janse van Rensburg

(Di)temana ya Bibele


18gore batho ba se ke ba lemoga gore o ikona dijo – go tsebe fela Tatago yo a sa bonwego. Gomme Tatago, yo a bonago tše di dirwago ka sephiring, o tla go putsa.”

MATEU 6:18NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


3Go phethagatša toka le tshwanelo go kgahla Morena

go phala go mo direla dihlabelo.

DIEMA 21:3NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


7Tsela ya baloki e lekanetše;

wena, Morena, o ba lekalekanyetša tselana.

JESAYA 26:7NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

We all want to prosper in our personal lives and in our businesses. Yet, are we willing to apply God’s principles at all times? I would like to share this testimony of businessman, Dirk De Wal with you:

Dirk: “During September 2017, I wanted to close one of my businesses’ doors. The manager cheated customers and stole large sums of money from the business. His actions created a bad culture in the business and at the same time gave the business a bad name with customers.

“The day I wanted to terminate everything, two clients walked through the door and asked if they could pray with me. Since I was a ‘traditional Christian’ at that time, it made me extremely uncomfortable knowing that my colleagues could see through the windows of my office that these men were praying for me. Although they did not know anything about the state of affairs in the business, one of them said, ‘Dirk, you want to close the business today, but I experience that God tells me that you shouldn’t. He is going to restore it. He will put the crown of fine gold back onto your business.” I did not understand what the man meant.

“In the months following this prayer, however, we experienced time and time again that at the end of the month there was enough money to cover the expenses and even unforeseen expenses. We started a clean-up process in the business whereby we helped clients that were cheated and we removed people who were involved in the irregularities from the business.

“A week after we sorted out the last of these cases, Armand Marais, my current partner, walked into the business and we formed a partnership. Armand’s close relationship with God sparked a desire in me to want the same in my life. In time, we began to establish a new culture in the business where we acknowledge God in everything we do and also ask Him for permission before we make big decisions.

“The result? Since August 2018, God has opened the floodgates of heaven for our business and blessed us. We moved from three employees to 21 (plus another 8 subcontractors). Our turnover today is thirty times more than what it used to be. God has truly put back the crown of fine gold over this business. He is truly a good God.”

Dirk is right. God is the one who blesses us. He sees when we act with integrity in difficult times. After all, in Matthew 6:18 we read: “… your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Also in Proverbs 21: 3 we read: “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”And in Isaiah 26: 7 it is written: “The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth.”

Do you also need a breakthrough in your business or personal life? Maybe it’s time to do a “stock take” and remove everything that is not in line with God’s principles in our lives. He sees it and He will reward it. God bless.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for being a God who wants to bless us with good things in our lives. Please show me if there are any things in my life that are not in line with Your will and help me to walk away from. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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