Bible Society of South Africa

Hope through Forgiveness – 29 January 2020

Neville Turley

(Di)temana ya Bibele


23Bohle ba dirile dibe gomme ba hloka letago la Modimo.

BAROMA 3:23NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


6Ka moka re be re swana le dinku tše di timelago,

mongwe le mongwe a eya mo a ratago gona.

Eupša Morena a mo rweša makgopo a rena bohle.

JESAYA 53:6NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


18Morena o re: “Bjale etlang re sekišaneng molato wa lena. Le ge le hwibitše perr ka dibe tša lena, le tla šweufala twaa! Le ge le re hwibii, le tla šweufala pšoo!

JESAYA 1:18NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


Go swantšhwa ka Mofarisei le molekgetho

9Ba ba ipotšago gore ba lokile mme ba nyatša ba bangwe Jesu a ba botša ka go swantšha a re: 10“Batho ba babedi ba kile ba ya Tempeleng go rapela. Yo mongwe e be e le Mofarisei, mongwe e le molekgetho.

11“Mofarisei yoo a fihla a emelela a rapela ka pelong a re: ‘Ke a go leboga, Modimo, ge ke sa swane le batho ba bangwe ba bahlalefetši, ba baradia, ba diotswa; ebile ga ke swane le molekgetho yo. 12Nna ke itima dijo gabedi ka beke, le gona ke ntšha karolo ya lesome go tšohle tše ke bago le tšona.’

13“Ge e le molekgetho yola yena a ema kgole, a šia le go lebelela legodimong, a ikgonara a re: ‘Hle, Modimo, nkgaugele, nna, modiradibe!’ 14Ke a le botša, yena o boetše gae a boelane le Modimo, e sego Mofarisei yola. Gobane mang le mang yo a ikgodišago o tla kokobetšwa, gwa re yo a ikokobetšago a godišwa.”

LUKASE 18:9-14NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


12O re lebalele melato ya rena

bjalo ka ge le rena re lebalela

ba ba nago le melato go rena.

MATEU 6:12NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

“… everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving presence.”  Romans 3:23 (GNT)

Even though sin has separated us from God, He still loves us. So much so, that God offers forgiveness to us through faith in his Son who died for our sins.

The Bible makes it very clear that we are all sinners. “All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the Lord made the punishment fall on him, the punishment all of us deserved.” (Isaiah 53:6)

The revelation of the Gospel is that God is eager to forgive sins and his forgiveness is full, free and forever. It does not matter what you have done. The Lord says, “Now, let’s settle the matter. You are stained red with sin, but I will wash you as clean as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18)

However, the Almighty, all powerful God does not forgive unrepentant sinners. Repentance means being so sorry for your sins that you stop sinning and open your heart to the Holy Spirit.  Denial of the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin.

Two men went to pray in the temple. The pompous Pharisee boasted of what he did. The tax collector humbly prayed, “God have pity on me as a sinner”. “I tell you,” said Jesus, “the tax collector and not the Pharisee was in the right with God when he went home.” (Luke 18:9-14).

“Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.” (Matthew 6:12)In teaching us how to pray, our Lord’s instructions are very clear. Our Father will not forgive us if we do not forgive those who have wronged us. We need to do that for our own sake.

Cherishing hatred towards those who wrong you is understandable but you need to put it behind you, forgive, and move on.  Otherwise you remain a victim.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive us for our many sins and failings. This we ask for Jesus sake.Amen

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