Bible Society of South Africa

Hope through Prayer – 28 January 2020

Neville Turley

(Di)temana ya Bibele


6Le se balabale ka selo; sengwe le sengwe se le se nyakago le se kgopele go Modimo ka moya wa thapelo le tebogo. 7Ke mo Modimo a tlago le phefiša go ja pelo le go tshwenyega le le ba Kriste Jesu, mo e lego gore ga go motho yo a kago kwešiša.

BAFILIPI 4:6-7NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


Go kgopela, le go nyaka, le go kokota

7“Kgopelang, gomme le tla fiwa; nyakang, gomme le tla hwetša; kokotang, gomme le tla bulelwa. 8Gobane mang le mang yo a kgopelago o a fiwa, yo a nyakago o a hwetša, le yo a kokotago o tla bulelwa. 9Ke mang mo go lena yo a ka fago morwagwe leswika ge a mo kgopela bogobe? 10Goba a mo fa noga ge a mo kgopela hlapi? 11Ge ešita le lena le lego ba babe le tseba go fa bana ba lena tše botse, na Tatagolena wa legodimong yena a ka napa a se le phale ka go fa bao ba mo kgopelago dilo tše dibotse?

MATEU 7:7-11NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalome 40

Kopelo ya tumišo

Go tsebišwa moopediši gore ke pesalome ya Dafida.

1Ke be ke letile Morena ka tlhologelo,

mme a ntlhwaela tsebe,

a nkwa ge ke mo llela.

Pesalome 40:1NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


17Eliya e be e le motho wa nama bjalo ka rena. O kile a rapela a kgothetše gore pula e se ne, gomme ka nnete pula ya se ne nageng mengwaga ye meraro le seripa. 18A boelela a rapela, gomme leratadima la tšholla pula, lefase la mediša dibjalo tša lona.

JAKOBOSE 5:17-18NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


7Fela gore ke tle ke se ikgogomoše ka tše di makatšago kudu tše ke ilego ka di utollelwa, ke ile ka kgontlhetšwa phatša nameng, phatša ye e bego e itirile moromiwa wa Sathane wa go ntlaiša gore ke fele ke ikokobetša. 8Ka rapela Morena gararo ke mo kgopela gore a ntlhomole phatša yeo. 9Yena a mphetola ka go re: “Kgaugelo ya ka e go lekane, gobane maatla a ka a tiile kudu mo go ba ba fokolago.” Ka gona ke kgahlwa kudu ke go itheta ka mafokodi a ka, gore maatla a Kriste a tle a dule mo go nna. 10Ke ka lebaka leo ke kgotsofatšwago ke go rwala mafokodi le mahlapa le mathata le dihlomaro le ditlaišego ka lebaka la Kriste. Gobane ge ke fokola ke mo ke nago le maatla.

2 BAKORINTE 12:7-10NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


13Morongwa a re go yena: “Se boife, Sakaria, gobane Modimo o kwele thapelo ya gago. Mosadi wa gago, Elisabetha, o tla go belegela morwa, mme o mo thee leina la Johanese. 14Go tswalwa ga gagwe go tla go thabiša wa hlalala, gwa thabiša le ba bantši, 15gobane e tla ba yo mogolo pele ga Morena. A ka se tsoge a nwele beine le seno se bogale. O tla tlala Moya wo Mokgethwa go thoma ge a belegwa, 16gomme a sokollela Baisraele ba bantši go Morena Modimo wa bona. 17O tla eta Morena pele a sa boife, a le bogale bjalo ka moprofeta Eliya. O tla boelanya bana le botatagobana; ba ba sa theeletšego o tla ba bušetša tseleng ye e lokilego, gore a lokišetše Morena setšhaba sa gagwe.”

LUKASE 1:13-17NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele
Go na le phošo e diregilego

Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (GNT)

Prayer played a vital part in the life of our Lord. It should be an integral part of our life too.  Our Lord told us that when we approach the throne of grace, seeking and searching God’s guidance and help, we would be blessed. (Matthew 7:7-11)

But how should we pray? David had the right attitude when he was in distress: “I waited patiently for the Lord’s help; then he listened to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1) Too often when we pray we expect God to immediately grant what we want. However God has his own timetable and it’s his will not ours that prevails.

God answers every prayer in one of three ways – yes, no and when the time is right.

Yes, as in the case of Elijah the prophet: “He prayed earnestly that there would be no rain, and no rain fell on the land for three and a half years. Once again he prayed, and the sky poured out its rain and the earth produced its crops.”(James 5:17-18)

No, as in the case of Paul: Three times he prayed to God to remove the “thorn in the flesh”that was tormenting him and hindering his ministry. Instead God granted Paul grace to bear his suffering in order to experience the protection of Christ’s power over him. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

When the time is right, as in the case of the priest, Zachariah and Elizabeth.  For many years they prayed for a child. When they were old, the angel, Gabriel, brought them the news; they would have a son who would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth and pave the way for the Lord. (Luke 1:13-17)

God is a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God to whom we can make our needs known. When we pray we enter into the divine presence of God. There we can confess our sins and he will forgive us and purify us from all our wrongdoings. Read 1 John 1-9.

Paul urged the church at Thessalonica to “pray at all times”, we should too.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope we have in prayer and help us to remain in constant dialogue with you. Amen

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