Miracles unlimited? – 14 December 2020

By Hennie Symington
(Di)temana ya Bibele
If there is one thing we love, it’s a miracle. If God is supernatural then surely, performing miracles must be second nature to him! How about you? Often we expect every problem to be solved by an immediate miracle, a display of the supernatural or a lucky break. Yet, our expectations of seeing the power of God transforming our own as well as other people’s lives are often lacking.
Of course God can create miracles, but chooses not to work in that way. Often the Lord leads us into painful and difficult situations where we need to pray, as Paul prayed, regarding the thorn in his flesh. We want miracles while God chooses to strengthen us to cope, making his power in us perfect. When God sends a prophetic word of hope and restoration, our response is to bear witness, not yearn for miracles.
In our desire for miracles we often overlook the greatest miracle of all time: And that is that we have met God – not as somebody “up there” but as a loving heavenly Father who sent his Son, Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life to dwell among us. That is the wonder of Jesus’ birth – that God was made human to taste the bitter bread that we as humans have to eat. He became like us so that ultimately we would become like him.
Prayer: Oh God, I confess that like many I often crave miracles and wonders to make me believe. Thank you God for sending your Son to show us that you are real, and how much you care for us. Thank you that we can look forward to the celebration of the birth of your Son and have our faith strengthened by the one miracle that never ceases: God as one of us; God with us. Amen