Waiting for the “Word” – 9 December 2020

By Hennie Symington
(Di)temana ya Bibele
People of this day and age don’t like waiting. When we want something, we want it now! Here’s the good news! The countdown to Christmas has begun and with our kids and grandkids we can count how many “sleeps” before Christmas. During the year we are so intent upon ourselves, our own families and dealing with our own difficulties, that these weeks of waiting for Christmas afford us an opportunity to focus on the run up to the Nativity. And for that we need to begin by waiting. However, for us, living in a time where “instant” is the operative word, waiting is not on our agenda. The iPhone and modern technology has indeed made waiting almost obsolete.
God, however, works on a different time frame. Waiting means living in the meantime or in the interim – the “not yet”. In Scripture we read about many hundreds of years passing before the birth of Christ. Yet, there were many predictions of a light in the darkness, but as time went by many grew weary and impatient. Often they lost hope asking time and again: “When will the Saviour come?”
So what’s the best way to bear the waiting for the Word? The secret is to find comfort in the anticipation and fulfilment of a promise made many centuries before. And as we wait, let us celebrate Advent by examining ourselves while watching, waiting and praying for a new experience of Christ born not only on earth but also in the deepest recesses of your heart and soul. Who knows – you might meet God anew in the run up to the event. Wouldn’t that be a gift to cherish over the Christmas season?
Prayer: Lord, you know how hard it is for us to wait. Fill our days with drops of hope, anticipation of joy and promises of celebration, which we can share with the world as we wait. Amen