Faith like a child – 29 November 2021

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
(Di)temana ya Bibele
After the story about the child who prayed for the doll, Wilmie Smith shared this story in connection with it:
Wilmie: “As a little girl, I lived with my parents on a farm a long way from town. One day my mother was on her way to town. I really wanted a yoyo – a Fanta one. However, I did not ask my mother for it before she left.
“In the kitchen in front of the sink, I sat down on the floor. As a little girl I asked Jesus if I could please have one and if so that He would tell my mother to buy me one.
“When my mother got back home I stood amazed when she took out a Fanta yoyo from her handbag and handed it to me. It may seem small, but to me as a child it was one of my biggest moments to realize that God truly listens when we pray – even if it is about something that seems ‘unnecessary’ and small.”
If something is important to us, it is important to God, because we are important to Him. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus called a child to him and said to the people around hin: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
We can learn from children when it comes to unwavering faith. It touches God’s heart. God bless.
Prayer: Father God, thank You that I can place my faith and trust in You in every situation. Please strengthen my faith today when it begins to falter. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.