Power of prayers for our children – 25 February 2021

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
(Di)temana ya Bibele
Ivan Tuttle was a believer as a young man. After school, however, he became involved in drugs. His testimony of how his life changed made me realize that there is truly power in parents’ prayers for their children.
Ivan was 26-years-old when he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his calf. The doctors warned him that if he went dancing again (which he and his friends did on weekends) and the blood clot came loose, it could cost him his life.
Ivan did not listen. Shortly afterwards he was back on the dance floor. That night, back in his bed, he woke up startled. There was a strong grip on his wrist. Although he tried to fight back, he realized that the force he was fighting against was too strong for him. An evil presence overwhelmed him. When Ivan looked back at his bed, he could see his body. He knew that he had died and that he was on his way to hell.
The anxious cries of people being tormented by evil spirits, as well as the horrible smell,overwhelmed Ivan upon his arrival in hell. He describes it as “a place without any hope. Just tears, torture and fear”. He also says: “It’s awful to realize you’ll never get out of here. Your remorse for your sin and your turning your back on Jesus Christ cannot be described in words.”
Ivan was already being tortured by Satan and his demons when a loud voice rang out: “Leave him alone. It’s not his time yet. I made a promise to his mother.”
The next moment Ivan was in heaven. Here he experienced the exact opposite to hell. “Heaven is a place without pain, aggression or depression. There is only peace and a feeling of fulfillment and joy. This is where you want to be forever,” he says.
After Ivan was sent back to earth to share what he experienced, he found that his mother had poured out her heart to God about his salvation for years. She asked God to make a promise to her that none of her children’s path would end in hell. She believed that He had made a promise to her. She was right. It is 30 years later and Ivan still continues to preach with passion the good news of Jesus Christ as far as he goes.
Is there a loved one in your life who does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Or someone who, like Ivan, hardened their heart towards God due to disappointments or hurt they experienced? In 1 John 5:15 we read: “And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.” And in Mark 11:24 we read: “I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”
God wants to save us. He gave his only begotten Son, that we should not perish. Do not wait until it is too late. Let us confess our sin and invite Him to be in control of our lives so we can spend an eternity with Him in the place without pain, aggression or depression – just peace and joy! God bless.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for hearing my prayers. I bring (name the person) today to You. Touch him/her through Your Holy Spirit and bring him/her to a place where they will accept Your Son as Savior. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen