Bible Society of South Africa

The Lord makes my life a celebration! – 29 July 2021

By Ewald Schmidt

(Di)temana ya Bibele

Pesalome 23

5O ntirela monyanya manaba a ka a ntebeletše;

o nkamogela mo nkego ke moeng yo mogolo,

wa ntlaletša senwelo wa go falala.

Pesalome 23:5NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

The life of a child of God is full of challenges. The Lord has a plan for each one of our lives. But this plan does not always work out smoothly. Sometimes, he allows difficult times to cross our path. In these times, we discover our total dependence on his grace. It deepens our relationship with him. The Lord allows troubled times to form our characters, to test us and make us stronger. It helps wisdom to flourish as we grow older.

David led an exciting life, but it was not always smooth sailing. He conquered giants and got to marry a few princesses in his lifetime. He became a mighty king. He fought for unity and stability within his country’s borders. Yes, there were plenty of good times, of pastures green where peaceful waters flowed. For him, personally, and for his nation.

But he also experienced the darkest valleys in his life. It took years for him to finally establish his throne over all the tribes of Israel as was promised to him when he was young. He had to go through the formative process of being a humble shepherd boy. He had to soothe King Saul with his music when the king experienced dark moods. He had to fight many battles for Saul, and later against him. When he became king, he had a lot of domestic troubles. He had children turning into rebels, fighting with military might to gain his throne. Not all his marriages were happy. Saul’s daughter Michal despised him. On so many fronts, there were challenges by his enemies; he could never let his guard down.

But the Bible still calls him a man after God’s own heart. When he reflects upon his life, he still embraces God’s goodness and mercy. The Lord helped him in the face of his enemy. The Lord had anointed him and had a special relationship with him. He longed for nothing, he was filled with gratitude.

Through David’s life, we learn that everything need not be in place before we are grateful and praise God with our lives. Life is a journey, and we make many mistakes along the way. But when we stumble forward in the company of God, life is a success. Our relationship with God gives us joy and peace. The apostle Paul confirmed this when he commanded: “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). Why? Because God is near … God’s presence in our lives makes life worth living.

Prayer: Lord, the most important thing that I want to have said about my life is that I am a child of God. Thank you that I am because of the love of Christ. Thank you that I may sit at your table. My cup runneth over – I am filled with gratitude. Thank you for my life, for all your goodness and mercy, and making it worth living! Amen

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