Bible Society of South Africa

God wants to draw near to you – 4 August 2022

By Fanie Richter

(Di)temana ya Bibele


8Batamelang Modimo, gomme le yena o tla le batamela. Hee, lena badiradibe, lesang go dira dibe! Itlhwekišeng dipelo, mapelopedi tenang!

JAKOBOSE 4:8NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


10Ikokobetšeng go Morena, gomme yena o tla le godiša.

JAKOBOSE 4:10NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

What is your motive for wanting to draw closer to God today? A need for his kindness and blessing? Or because you realise that things in your life are at odds with him and other people? Or to have fellowship with him?

James 4:5 shows us in what way we should approach Him – “that he jealously longs for the spirit that he has caused to dwell in us.”For it is the driving force that He has created in us in which He wants to establish his Spirit and attitude.

What fills your spirit and makes it difficult for you to approach God? In humility, be honest before Him, lay it bare and admit that it upsets you and that you are sorry and ask for his counsel and help.

How can we give him the commitment He requires? In chapter 4 verse 6, James informed us that when God requires something big, he gives even more grace to fulfil it. Your return is so precious to him that Jesus Christ paid the highest price for it on the cross. See how beautifully Hosea 2:13-22 describes God’s love and concern for his people, who had also strayed, but whom he so desires to draw near and connect with again.

That’s how God feels about you! Come, as in James 4:10, and He will draw you closer – He wants to live in us, rule and be creative, and help us fulfil our purpose in life! (John 15:4-5)

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Prayer: Father God, please come and take control of my spirit so that it will be completely yours again and will produce the fruit that will make you, my fellow human beings and myself happy. I pray this and want to live it out in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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