Bible Society of South Africa

Jesus is king – 12 September 2022

By Ben Fourie

(Di)temana ya Bibele


28Ruri, ke a le botša, go na le ba bangwe mo ba ba ka se kego ba hwa ba sešo ba bona Morwamotho a etla e le Kgoši.”

MATEU 16:28NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

The mountain of transfiguration is a foretaste of what Jesus meant by the above-mentioned words. Directly after this announcement, we read about the transfiguration in chapter 17. Peter, James and John are with Jesus. In front of their eyes, he is transfigured – his face started shining like the sun and his clothes became as white as light. From a cloud that enveloped them, came a voice saying: “This is my Son, whom I love.” (Matthew 17:5b) Even Pontius Pilate unwittingly contributed to what Jesus is talking about, in our verse of the day, when he put a sign on the cross saying, “This is Jesus, the king of the Jews”.

We cannot call it the kingdom of heaven if there is no king present. From the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, everything pointed to the moment of his accession to the throne. The road to the throne, however, was covered in thorns to the point that his very first crown was twisted together from thorns. His “subjects” spat on him and instead of a king’s scepter, they put a staff in his right hand, the same staff that they later used to strike him on the head. Strangely enough, the only one who grasped something of what was going on was one of the criminals who was crucified next to him: “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42)

Those who were very near to Jesus did not understand, even when they arrived at the empty tomb early that Sunday morning. They stood around without knowing that, here at the empty tomb, the last enemy, death itself, was completely defeated. From this empty tomb the Lord, like all kings, who have won the final battle, would go forth in triumph. It required Jesus’ ascension and the day of Pentecost to make them fully understand.

While his followers stood looking intently at the sky as Jesus was ascending, his words (in our verse for today) finally became true. Most of his followers were still alive and present when he finally accessioned his heavenly throne. At the second coming, he will be shown as the king above all.

Prayer: We thank you Lord Jesus that you are the King of all kings and that you will reign into eternity. Amen

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