Live and serve in God’s kingdom (1) – 30 August 2022

By Fanie Richter
(Di)temana ya Bibele
When you think about your life – what are you focusing on?
When you hear about the kingdom of God, how do you think about it – and yourself in it?
If we accept Jesus Christ as LORD, we are reconciled to God in his royal family and then you and I live in his kingdom – but then it’s not just (in a self-centred, selfish way) that my ‘case is in order’ to go to heaven. With such an attitude, one misses the ‘big picture’ because it’s about – What now? From now on, until one can enter into the eternal glory of heaven – What now?
For in this kingdom, Jesus Christ is not only my Saviour – He is more, He is LORD He is King – and in the kingdom, the King rules, and people must live and things happen as the King intends – for the sake of his people! He has a plan for that and, therefore, also a role for you and me in his royal family and empire. Therefore, it is about more than just confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness. We must learn from him as Lord and King and practise and live it out for the sake of our own lives and everyone else’s. Consequently, he is glorified and we are blessed.
But we struggle with it. It’s sometimes hard to grasp. However, Jesus asks us to do it with him. Let him be Lord and King of your life – and think about it today.
Prayer: Lord, I want to live the way you want me to. Please help me to accept you as King of my life and to live for you and my neighbour, as you intended. Holy Spirit, help me to think and act accordingly, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen