My life under new management – 12 October 2022

By Ewald Schmidt
(Di)temana ya Bibele
Romans chapter 8 teaches us of our new life in the Spirit, of our new future in Christ filled with peace and life, life that will endure forever. This is the gift of God to every person who believes that Jesus is Lord. He has paid the price and bought us dearly at the cross. By doing this, he has offered us such an amazing alternative path of life to follow, leading to the house of our Father. When we become aware of the love of Christ, and the gifts that the Spirit wants to share with us, it brings us to a choice.
In today’s verse, Paul asks us: if we know of a better way, why do some choose to continue on the path of death? Why would a person be so stubborn to cling to power in your own life, to rule your life according to the desires of your flesh? Why would you want to remain in charge of your life, when your track record clearly shows that the way of flesh is leading to death? The way of the sinful nature, the way of flesh, is the path to death. We have experienced this in our own lives. When I choose my way, disregarding the will of God, I get hurt. In addition, I hurt the people around me by my choices, attitudes and deeds. I leave a wake of destruction behind me when I always have to be right, be in control and have it my way.
The Lord loves his children too much to leave us the way we are. He has such a better alternative for us to follow. The way of Christ, the way of the Spirit, leads to life and peace. God loves to restore that which is broken, including us. He loves to mend broken relationships, heal broken lives, renew us and transform us back to his design specifications, as his image in this world. He wants to fill us with his love and light, so that we can be light bearers in the darkness of this world. He wants to restore us as a beacon of hope in a world that is busy losing all hope.
Today’s verse is a voice calling for our attention. We have choices to make. We are called to hear the voice of God, calling us to a life in the Spirit. We are called to submit to his will, giving him the steering wheel of our lives. We are called to turn away from the darkness of the flesh, towards the light of the Spirit. And even when we have a history of bad decisions and wrong choices, the Lord continues to call us – come walk with me! Allow the Spirit to lead you on the path of life!
Prayer: Lord, please lead me on the path of life through your Spirit. I am still living in this broken world and sometimes, I make bad decisions. Thank you for your grace calling me back to a life in the Spirit, the life of abundance that Jesus has planned for me. Lead me on the path of life and peace. Amen