Bible Society of South Africa

God, the Father (2) - 7 July 2023

By Mims Turley

(Di)temana ya Bibele


6Morena a putla pele ga gagwe a bega a re: “Nna, Morena, ke Modimo wa lešoko le kwelobohloko, yo a sa befelwego ka bjako, le gona yo a nago le lerato le legolo le potego.

EKSODOSE 34:6NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

In this verse, the Lord reveals five more of his attributes to Moses, and also to us, because our God is immutable.

He is compassionate. Our God is not cold-hearted – he loves unconditionally. He has emotions and feelings. That is why he deeply sympathises with us. He cares and takes care of us. Furthermore, he is a merciful God. People, even your family and friends, judge easily. They think the clothes you wear are not good enough, you are married to the wrong person or your employer does not feel satisfied with your work, even though you work very hard. Our God does not treat us like that. He bestows upon us the best through his grace and without us earning it. “For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift …” (Ephesians 2:8-9a)

I am, by nature, an impatient person. It has gotten me into trouble many times. I also know that through my impatience, I sometimes hurt people. Therefore, it is wonderful to know this about God: “The LORD is … slow to become angry and full of constant love.” (Psalm 103:8) He knows our weaknesses (such as my impatience) and he helps us with them. Our God is also a God of love. We all have a desire for love deep within us. We look for it and sometimes we find something of it. We can, however, only find true and everlasting love in God, because he is love. Please read what John writes in 1 John 4:7-10 about living in the love of God.

God told Moses that he is faithful. Think about it because it still applies to us. God’s attention is not distracted – he does not leave and come back, or get bored with us. He promised that he will be with us forever: “And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

I believe in God the Father – a merciful and gracious Father who is patient, loving and faithful.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me unconditionally with all my weaknesses. Amen

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