Bible Society of South Africa

Lessons of motherhood: God hears when we call - 17 April 2024

By Charlea Grey

(Di)temana ya Bibele


12Ke mo e tlago re ge le nkgopela, le etla le nthapela, nna ka le theeletša. 13E tla re ge le nnyaka, la nkhwetša, ge eba le nnyaka ka dipelo tša lena ka moka.

JEREMIA 29:12-13NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

It is only since I became a mother myself that I really understand God’s paternal heart. I only now understand how great and deep his love for us must be – and still, I realise that it is most likely even greater and deeper than I think.

When I hear our little girl moaning in her room in the early morning hours, I wait for a moment. I do not want to disturb her if she might be dreaming. But when I hear her fine little voice crying, “Mum … mum …” I jump up immediately to investigate. What if she has a fever or she is cold? What if she gets too hot or loses her pacifier? What if she is afraid of the dark? Perhaps, she feels alone?

I just cannot leave her. It is just impossible for me because I am her mother.

Then, I will peep in quietly. Sometimes, I will help her find her pacifier, then she sleeps blissfully on. Sometimes, I will cover her up with an extra blanket. She does not even know I am there, but she feels warmer and more peaceful. Sometimes, I have to pick her up and hold her, and sometimes, she has to continue to sleep in our bed.

It was one of the most valuable realisations that I had about God’s faithfulness, about his love for us: he hears us. He is there when we call in the dark, even if we cannot see him. He will wrap us with his love and hold us against him when we need him. He never forsakes us, for he is our Father.

Prayer: Thank you, Father, that you are always there when I call on you. Thank you for knowing what I need, and for being there when it is dark and I am unable to see you. Amen

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