Bible Society of South Africa

Make the most of every moment - 5 August 2024

By Xanthe Hancox

(Di)temana ya Bibele


15Ka fao, le itlhokomele gabotse ka mo le phelago ka gona. Le se phele bjalo ka mašilo, le phele bjalo ka bahlale. 16Le dule le direla Morena ka phišego, gobane lefase leno ke le lebe. 17Ka gona, le se dire tša bošilo; sa lena e be go kwešiša se e lego thato ya Morena.

BAEFESO 5:15-17NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Paul’s words in Ephesians were written to early Christians facing significant moral and spiritual challenges in the Greco-Roman world of the first century. Idolatry, immorality, and various pagan rituals were commonplace, as was temple prostitution, feasts dedicated to gods involving excessive drinking, and general moral leniency.

And it didn’t stop there: Christians faced persecution from both Jewish religious authorities and Roman authorities, who viewed their exclusive devotion to Jesus Christ as a threat to societal order. The pressure to conform to the prevailing culture, to participate in idolatrous practices, and to deny their faith in Christ was intense.

Amid all these challenges, Paul encourages believers not to live passively or unwisely. Instead, he urges them to walk circumspectly, with discernment and intention.

For us today, some 2000 years and half a world away, the message remains profoundly relevant. While our cultural context may differ in specific practices, the overarching principles of a world that opposes biblical values and promotes self-gratification, materialism, and moral relativism, remain the same. Like the early Christians, we face pressures to compromise our faith and conform to societal norms.

In response, we are called to examine our lives carefully. Are we living wisely in the light of God’s Word? Are we intentional about how we spend our time and resources? Are we actively seeking to honour God in all aspects of our lives, despite the challenges and temptations around us?

Let us not be discouraged by the prevailing darkness but instead, let us shine as lights in the world (Matthew 5:14-16). May we seize every moment to glorify God and to share his love and truth with those around us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that guides and instructs us in wisdom. In a world filled with challenges and temptations, help us to walk circumspectly, making the most of every opportunity to honour you. May our lives reflect your love and grace, drawing others to know you. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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