Our Father knows what we need - 7 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt
(Di)temana ya Bibele
The Pharisees had the habit of repeating some phrases in prayer over and over again. They had the mistaken idea that the answer to prayer could be improved by the intensity and quantity of words used when they prayed. This is also one of the questions young believers ask: for how long should I pray? How must I find the right words to have my prayers answered by God?
Jesus teaches us that prayer is not measured by the number of words we use. It is not a mantra that must be repeated for a certain number of times before we gain God’s attention. No, prayer stems from our relationship with the living God. He is our heavenly Father. Through faith, we have received free access to the throne of grace (see Hebrews 4:16).
We need to remember that God knows us better than any living person. He created us. He knows us so well that he is aware of our needs before we ask it in prayer. He knows what we need in body, soul and spirit on any given moment. Yet, God wants us to share our needs with him in prayer. He knows that we need bread, but still Jesus teaches us to ask for our daily bread. God will not forget what we need; he provides for us. However, we learn to ask in prayer – in this way, we grow in our awareness of our dependency of God. We recognise him as the giver of all good gifts. We grow in trust when we become aware of all the ways that God provides for us. This leads to a life of gratitude.
The apostle Paul, years later, would reinforce these words with Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
It is trust in the Lord that carries us through life’s challenges. It is the knowledge that God knows what we need even before we ask it from him. It is the trust of a child knowing that he/she is always welcome at his/her father’s table. We are always welcome to ask through prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving. With this trust in God, we learn not to be anxious, but to live in faith boldly.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you know! Thank you that you know me better than anyone else. You know what I need even before I become aware of it. You are the giver of all good gifts. Thank you for providing in my every need. Teach me not to become anxious over anything, but to approach your throne of grace with prayer, petition and thanksgiving. Amen!