Bible Society of South Africa

Practical love amongst us - 27 June 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

(Di)temana ya Bibele


46Na Modimo a ka le putsetša go rata fela bao ba le ratago? Ga ke re seo ke se se dirwago le ke balekgetho? 47Gomme ge le botšišana maphelo le ba gabolena fela, le phala ba bangwe ka eng? Ga ke re seo ke se se dirwago le ke baditšhaba?

MATEU 5:46-47NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

We love to say: one hand washes the other. Whatever you do to me, I return in kind. If you are good to me, I return your kindness and in doing so, we are helping one another. But if you hurt me, you can expect me to retaliate likewise. This is normal practice in human nature. This is how things are done across the world.

Our Lord Jesus says it does not have to be this way. This world could be a much better place for all humankind. He confronts our tendency to look after our own first. Think about it for a moment. We have family and close friends who will have our immediate help whenever they need it, we will ask no questions. Then, we have a next level of people we know, who we might help if we feel like it, if a need is known and helping is not too inconvenient for us. But we all draw the line of help somewhere, where strangers or enemies should not expect any help from us at all.

It is on this subject that Jesus challenges us to a new way of thinking. We are challenged to do a bit more, even to strangers and enemies. As disciples, we are called to see the needs of people through God’s eyes. It can be such a testimony of God’s love when we pay kindness to a stranger and help out, because we can. When a stranger helps us, it usually leads to the question: why did they do it? When we can help out someone in need, it gives an opportunity to bear witness of God’s goodness in our lives.

Jesus takes this back to the most basic of human kindness. When we see somebody and we take the time to recognise their humanity by greeting them, we pay respect to the image of God in them. We acknowledge their presence and we treat them with respect. A greeting might lead to a conversation and this might lead to an opportunity to bear witness of God’s goodness. Life could be such an adventure when we start greeting people kindly, instead of seeing them as potential enemies. Jesus’ way could change this world for so much better!

Prayer: Lord, every person on earth has the need to be recognised as a human being and to be treated with a basic sense of respect. Teach me to see others the way you see them, someone created with love in the image of God. Help me to be friendly and to greet people warmly as a token of your love. Help me to make a difference in the lives of those people whose paths I cross today. Amen

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