Bible Society of South Africa

We have a heavenly Father - 8 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

(Di)temana ya Bibele


9Ka gona, ge le rapela le re:

“ ‘Tatewešo wa magodimong,

leina la gago a le kgethwe;

There are certain questions in life we all have to face. I believe that every person at some point in their life asks: Is there a God? If so, can I know him? What is he like?

There are a number of people who do believe in the existence of God. We believe that there is an order and sense of exceptionally fine planning apparent in the universe, we do not believe it all just came to be by coincidence. For many, the idea of God is that of an impersonal force. Some believe that if there is a God, he would be distant and not interested in my existence at all. He who created universes and galaxies would be so exalted, that he would not even be aware of someone as small and insignificant as me somewhere in this one galaxy amongst billions of others. How would I dare to speak to him? What would make him listen to me?

The disciples ask Jesus: “Teach us how to pray. How can we talk to God?” Jesus then teaches them the prayer that is known by heart by all Christians across the world. God is not an impersonal force somewhere out in space. He is much closer than we dare to think! He is a loving “person”. He is not letting his universe run uncontrolled by the laws of nature, he is involved in the smallest details of his creation. He is so close to us that we may dare to call him “Father”. He created us with the desire to live in a relationship with us as his children. He is a good Father who knows each one of us, he even knows what we need before we ask him anything. However, he is much more than an earthly father.

Our human fathers have limits in their abilities and resources. Our earthly dads are human and have flaws, sometimes they hurt us. God is elevated above our earthly father’s disadvantages. He is in heaven. He is all knowing, he is all powerful. He has the ability to know exactly what every person needs and thinks at any given time. He is perfect, but chooses to be involved with us, despite our brokenness and sin. He is always available, we do not need to make an appointment to talk to him. We do not have to wait for a chance to speak to him, even though he is more important than kings or presidents. Our Father listens immediately when his child talks to him.

Our Father’s name is holy. He is good, there is no place for evil in him. When we pray that his name be hallowed, we give recognition to his holiness. He has a holy place in our hearts and in our lives. We express the desire to honour him by being holy ourselves. When we pray “hallowed be your name”, we ask: Help me to keep your name holy in my mouth, heart, mind and life.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are not watching us from a distance. You are our Father and you are so near to us. Thank you for being my heavenly Father. Thank you for your holiness and for making me more holy in your image by your Spirit. Help me to conquer all the darkness in my life, that I may be like you. Amen

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