Bible Society of South Africa
Carina Francke

Your 24/7 Companion – Day 4

Your 24/7 Companion

(Di)temana ya Bibele


16Ke tla kgopela Tate a le fa Mothuši yo mongwe wa go tlo dulela le lena sa ruri.

JOHANESE 14:16NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


18“Nka se le tlogele le le ditšhiwana, ke sa tlilo boela mo go lena.

JOHANESE 14:18NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


2Gateetee ba kwa modumo o etšwa kua leratadimeng nke ke wa ledimo le le tšubutlago, wa tlala ntlo yohle yeo ba bego ba dutše ka go yona. 3Ba bona go hlahlamologa dilwana tše nkego ke dikgabo tša mollo di kotama godimo ga yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa bona. 4Ke moka ba tlala Moya wo Mokgethwa, ba thoma go bolela ka maleme a šele, go ya ka mo Moya o ba kgontšhago go bolela ka mafolofolo ka gona.

5Gona moo motseng wa Jerusalema go be go na le Bajuda, banna ba borapedi ba ba agilego ditšhabeng tšohle tše di lego lefaseng. 6E rile ge modumo woo o kwagala, batho ba bantši ba kgobokana. Ba tlabega ba gakanegile, ka gobane mongwe le mongwe o be a ba kwa ba bolela ka polelo ya gabo. 7Ge ba tlabegile ba maketše bjalo, ba botšišana ba re: “Na ga ke re batho ba ba bolelago ba ka moka ke Bagalilea? 8Bjale go tla bjang ge rena ka moka re ekwa ba bolela ka mebolelo ya gaborena?

DITIRO 2:2-8NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


22gomme Moya wo Mokgethwa wa theogela godimo ga gagwe o le ka sebopego sa leeba. Gwa kwagala lentšu le etšwa legodimong le re: “O Morwa wa ka yo ke mo ratago. O nkgahla kudu!”

LUKASE 3:22NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Christians celebrate Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, but his involvement in our lives does not stop there. His promise to his disciples, I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (verse 18) becomes clearer in his words, And I will pray to the Father and He will give you another Helper/Counsellor (the Holy Spirit) that He may abide with you forever.” This promise is also applicable to all believers. Can you believe it? We have a 24/7 companion in the person of the Holy Spirit!

We celebrate Pentecost annually – the event shortly after Jesus’ ascension when the Holy Spirit was poured out on a few praying and waiting followers of Jesus. On that day, a sound of a rushing mighty wind filled the house, and they saw tongues of fire that spread out and sat upon each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them (Acts 2:2-8). These were languages they did not know themselves, although the crowd present could understand them! This was the promised gift of God empowering them!

In the past few days, we looked into a few things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives. The immense magnitude, power and blessing of the Holy Spirit in every believer’s life is not merely a historical event restricted to a certain age, but is a promise “to you and to your children and to all who are afar off …” (Acts 2:39).

Jesus is the example of how the Holy Spirit is involved in our lives 24/7, by being in, with and upon us. The Holy Spirit procreated Jesus and the Spirit in him produced the fruit of good character. In Luke 3:22 and 4:18, we read that the Spirit came upon him to produce a ministry of power.

Our spirits were also called into being or made alive by the Holy Spirit at our rebirth. He also makes it possible for us to bear good and permanent fruit, because he now lives in us. It is he who enables us to bear this fruit but only if we abide in him (John 15:5-6). Furthermore, we are dependent on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to witness effectively to people that Jesus’ death and resurrection saves man.

May the fullness of the Holy Spirit be a reality to you in your life. He is, after all, the third person in the Godhead who came to make home in and with you.

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