Bible Society of South Africa


Amos was a farmer from Tekoa in the Southern Kingdom of Judah. He appeared as a prophet in the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the time of King Jeroboam II, around 750 BC.
The book of the prophet Amos, one of the twelve “minor prophets”, is named after him.

The Name Amos

Ditemana tše di tswalanago tša Bibele

2.6 AMOSE 1.1

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Ka akhaonte ya mahala, o ka:

  • Bala diphetolelo tše dingwe ka maleme ka moka a semmušo.
  • Theeletša Bibele (diphetolelo tše 11 di šetše di le gona).
  • Bapetša diphetolelo tša Bibele tša go fapafapana.
  • Dira boitemogelo go ba bja gago ka go akaretša dinoutse tša gago le dintlhakgolo. Gape o tla kgona go bona dinoutse tša gago le dintlhakgolo ka thoko.
  • Hwetša go feta dihlogotaba tše 1100 le diathekele tša bokamorago ka Seisimane le Seburu le dimmepe tša mebala tše 52.

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