Free Bible apps for everyone!

1. BibleSA app
Access or download Bibles for free in all 11 |
2. Language specific, light weight Bible app
Download free language specific Bibles to read offline. You can compare different translations, customise your Bible reading experience and copy or share Bible verses. Compact/light weight for small file size and limited bandwidth use. Standalone app available for each of the 11 official languages.
Die Bybel ‘53, ‘83, ABA, 2020 | |
Die Bybel 1953 & 2020 HL | |
Bybel vir Dowes | |
Bible for the Deaf | |
Bibles in English | |
Audio Bibles | |
The Bible in isiZulu | |
The Bible in isiXhosa | |
The Bible in Sepedi | |
The Bible in Sesotho | |
The Bible in Setswana | |
The Bible in isiNdebele | |
The Bible in Siswati | |
The Bible in Xitsonga | |
Bibles with DC Books |
Which app is best for you?
Here is a side by side comparison of both types of app to help you decide which is better for you.
Feature | BibleSA | Language specific app |
Read complete | Yes | Yes |
Bibles in all 11 | Yes | Yes (app per language) |
Includes latest 2020 | Yes | Yes (in Afrikaans |
Compare | No | Yes |
Highlight verses | Yes | Yes |
Make custom | Yes | Yes |
Search for | Yes | Yes |
Customize font | Yes | Yes |
Share Bible | Yes | Yes |
Follow our | Yes | No |
Follow reading | Yes | No |
Listen to | Yes (streaming only) | No |
Bibles available | 25+ (streaming) or | Language specific, |
App contains ads | No | No |
Download size | ±33MB (more if you | ±20MB (depends on |
Free account | Yes | Yes |
Data usage | When reading Bibles that | None after initial |
Platforms | Visit our developer pages | |
Cost | Free | Free |
3. Bible Stories app (for children)
Six popular Bible stories for children with colour images and quizzes that tests reading retention and basic numeracy skills. Stories included: Jesus is born, Jesus at the wedding, The good Samaritan, Jesus and the storm, Zacchaeus and Jesus is alive!
Only available in English, Afrikaans, IsiZulu, IsiXhosa and Sepedi. Download it for free on the Google Play Store
4. Java enabled phones
If you have a Java enabled phone with limited internet access and storage space, we have just the app for you.
Support our Bible work
The apps were developed and made available for free by the Bible Society of South Africa. If you would like to support our Bible work further, you can make a donation here