Bible Society of South Africa

Bible Reading Plan – Day 108

Bible text(s)

Psalms 45

A Royal Wedding Song

1Beautiful words fill my mind,

as I compose this song for the king.

Like the pen of a good writer

my tongue is ready with a poem.

2You are the most handsome of men;

you are an eloquent speaker.

God has always blessed you.

3Buckle on your sword, mighty king;

you are glorious and majestic.

4Ride on in majesty to victory

for the defence of truth and justice!

Your strength will win you great victories!

5Your arrows are sharp,

they pierce the hearts of your enemies;

nations fall down at your feet.

6The kingdom that God has given you

will last for ever and ever.

You rule over your people with justice;

7you love what is right and hate what is evil.

That is why God, your God, has chosen you

and has poured out more happiness on you

than on any other king.

8The perfume of myrrh and aloes is on your clothes;

musicians entertain you in palaces decorated with ivory.

9Among the ladies of your court are daughters of kings,

and on the right of your throne stands the queen,

wearing ornaments of finest gold.

10Bride of the king, listen to what I say —

forget your people and your relatives.

11Your beauty will make the king desire you;

he is your master, so you must obey him.

12The people of Tyre will bring you gifts;

rich people will try to win your favour.

13The princess is in the palace — how beautiful she is!

Her gown is made of gold thread.

14In her colourful gown she is led to the king,

followed by her bridesmaids,

and they also are brought to him.

15With joy and gladness they come

and enter the king's palace.

16You, my king, will have many sons

to succeed your ancestors as kings,

and you will make them rulers over the whole earth.

17My song will keep your fame alive for ever,

and everyone will praise you for all time to come.

Psalms 46

God is with Us

1God is our shelter and strength,

always ready to help in times of trouble.

2So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken

and mountains fall into the ocean depths;

3even if the seas roar and rage,

and the hills are shaken by the violence.

4There is a river that brings joy to the city of God,

to the sacred house of the Most High.

5God is in that city, and it will never be destroyed;

at early dawn he will come to its aid.

6Nations are terrified, kingdoms are shaken;

God thunders, and the earth dissolves.

7The LORD Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

8Come and see what the LORD has done.

See what amazing things he has done on earth.

9He stops wars all over the world;

he breaks bows, destroys spears,

and sets shields on fire.

10“Stop fighting,” he says, “and know that I am God,

supreme among the nations,

supreme over the world.”

11The LORD Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Psalms 47

The Supreme Ruler

1Clap your hands for joy, all peoples!

Praise God with loud songs!

2The LORD, the Most High, is to be feared;

he is a great king, ruling over all the world.

3He gave us victory over the peoples;

he made us rule over the nations.

4He chose for us the land where we live,

the proud possession of his people, whom he loves.

5God goes up to his throne.

There are shouts of joy and the blast of trumpets,

as the LORD goes up.

6Sing praise to God;

sing praise to our king!

7God is king over all the world;

praise him with songs!

8God sits on his sacred throne;

he rules over the nations.

9The rulers of the nations assemble

with the people of the God of Abraham.

More powerful than all armies is he;

he rules supreme.

Psalms 48

Zion, the City of God

1The LORD is great and is to be highly praised

in the city of our God, on his sacred hill.

2Zion, the mountain of God, is high and beautiful;

the city of the great king brings joy to all the world.

3God has shown that there is safety with him

inside the fortresses of the city.

4The kings gathered together

and came to attack Mount Zion.

5But when they saw it, they were amazed;

they were afraid and ran away.

6There they were seized with fear and anguish,

like a woman about to bear a child,

7like ships tossing in a furious storm.

8We have heard what God has done,

and now we have seen it

in the city of our God, the LORD Almighty;

he will keep the city safe for ever.

9Inside your Temple, O God,

we think of your constant love.

10You are praised by people everywhere,

and your fame extends over all the earth.

You rule with justice;

11let the people of Zion be glad!

You give right judgements;

let there be joy in the cities of Judah!

12People of God, walk round Zion and count the towers;

13take notice of the walls and examine the fortresses,

so that you may tell the next generation:

14“This God is our God for ever and ever;

he will lead us for all time to come.”

Psalms 49

The Foolishness of Trusting in Riches

1Hear this, everyone!

Listen, all people everywhere,

2great and small alike,

rich and poor together.

3My thoughts will be clear;

I will speak words of wisdom.

4I will turn my attention to proverbs

and explain their meaning as I play the harp.

5I am not afraid in times of danger

when I am surrounded by enemies,

6by evil people who trust in their riches

and boast of their great wealth.

7A person can never redeem himself;

he cannot pay God the price for his life,

8because the payment for a human life is too great.

What he could pay would never be enough

9to keep him from the grave,

to let him live for ever.

10Anyone can see that even the wise die,

as well as the foolish and stupid.

They all leave their riches to their descendants.

11Their graves are their homes for ever;

there they stay for all time,

though they once had lands of their own.

12No one's greatness can save him from death;

he will still die like the animals.

13See what happens to those who trust in themselves,

the fate of those who are satisfied with their wealth —

14they are doomed to die like sheep,

and Death will be their shepherd.

The righteous will triumph over them,

as their bodies quickly decay

in the world of the dead far from their homes.

15But God will rescue me;

he will save me from the power of death.

16Don't be upset when someone becomes rich,

when his wealth grows even greater;

17he cannot take it with him when he dies;

his wealth will not go with him to the grave.

18Even if he is satisfied with this life

and is praised because he is successful,

19he will join all his ancestors in death,

where the darkness lasts for ever.

20His greatness cannot save him from death;

he will still die like the animals.

Psalms 50

True Worship

1The Almighty God, the LORD, speaks;

he calls to the whole earth from east to west.

2God shines from Zion,

the city perfect in its beauty.

3Our God is coming, but not in silence;

a raging fire is in front of him,

a furious storm is round him.

4He calls heaven and earth as witnesses

to see him judge his people.

5He says, “Gather my faithful people to me,

those who made a covenant with me by offering a sacrifice.”

6The heavens proclaim that God is righteous,

that he himself is judge.

7“Listen, my people, and I will speak;

I will testify against you, Israel.

I am God, your God.

8I do not reprimand you because of your sacrifices

and the burnt offerings you always bring me.

9And yet I do not need bulls from your farms

or goats from your flocks;

10all the animals in the forest are mine

and the cattle on thousands of hills.

11All the wild birds are mine

and all living things in the fields.

12“If I were hungry, I would not ask you for food,

for the world and everything in it is mine.

13Do I eat the flesh of bulls

or drink the blood of goats?

14Let the giving of thanks be your sacrifice to God,

and give the Almighty all that you promised.

15Call to me when trouble comes;

I will save you,

and you will praise me.”

16But God says to the wicked,

“Why should you recite my commandments?

Why should you talk about my covenant?

17You refuse to let me correct you;

you reject my commands.

18You become the friend of every thief you see

and you associate with adulterers.

19“You are always ready to speak evil;

you never hesitate to tell lies.

20You are ready to accuse your own relatives

and to find fault with them.

21You have done all this, and I have said nothing,

so you thought that I was like you.

But now I reprimand you

and make the matter plain to you.

22“Listen to this, you that ignore me,

or I will destroy you,

and there will be no one to save you.

23Giving thanks is the sacrifice that honours me,

and I will surely save all who obey me.”

Psalms 45:1-50:23GNBOpen in Bible reader
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