Bible Society of South Africa

Bible Reading Plan – Day 116

Bible text(s)

Psalms 90

Of God and Humanity

1O Lord, you have always been our home.

2Before you created the hills

or brought the world into being,

you were eternally God,

and will be God for ever.

3You tell us to return to what we were;

you change us back to dust.

4A thousand years to you are like one day;

they are like yesterday, already gone,

like a short hour in the night.

5You carry us away like a flood;

we last no longer than a dream.

We are like weeds that sprout in the morning,

6that grow and burst into bloom,

then dry up and die in the evening.

7We are destroyed by your anger;

we are terrified by your fury.

8You place our sins before you,

our secret sins where you can see them.

9Our life is cut short by your anger;

it fades away like a whisper.

10Seventy years is all we have —

eighty years, if we are strong;

yet all they bring us is trouble and sorrow;

life is soon over, and we are gone.

11Who has felt the full power of your anger?

Who knows what fear your fury can bring?

12Teach us how short our life is,

so that we may become wise.

13How much longer will your anger last?

Have pity, O LORD, on your servants!

14Fill us each morning with your constant love,

so that we may sing and be glad all our life.

15Give us now as much happiness as the sadness you gave us

during all our years of misery.

16Let us, your servants, see your mighty deeds;

let our descendants see your glorious might.

17LORD our God, may your blessings be with us.

Give us success in all we do!

Psalms 91

God our Protector

1Whoever goes to the LORD for safety,

whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,

2can say to him,

“You are my defender and protector.

You are my God; in you I trust.”

3He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers

and from all deadly diseases.

4He will cover you with his wings;

you will be safe in his care;

his faithfulness will protect and defend you.

5You need not fear any dangers at night

or sudden attacks during the day

6or the plagues that strike in the dark

or the evils that kill in daylight.

7A thousand may fall dead beside you,

10,000 all round you,

but you will not be harmed.

8You will look and see

how the wicked are punished.

9You have made the LORD your defender,

the Most High your protector,

10and so no disaster will strike you,

no violence will come near your home.

11God will put his angels in charge of you

to protect you wherever you go.

12They will hold you up with their hands

to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones.

13You will trample down lions and snakes,

fierce lions and poisonous snakes.

14God says, “I will save those who love me

and will protect those who acknowledge me as LORD.

15When they call to me, I will answer them;

when they are in trouble, I will be with them.

I will rescue them and honour them.

16I will reward them with long life;

I will save them.”

Psalms 92

A Song of Praise

1How good it is to give thanks to you, O LORD,

to sing in your honour, O Most High God,

2to proclaim your constant love every morning

and your faithfulness every night,

3with the music of stringed instruments

and with melody on the harp.

4Your mighty deeds, O LORD, make me glad;

because of what you have done, I sing for joy.

5How great are your actions, LORD!

How deep are your thoughts!

6This is something a fool cannot know;

a stupid person cannot understand:

7the wicked may grow like weeds,

those who do wrong may prosper;

yet they will be totally destroyed,

8because you, LORD, are supreme for ever.

9We know that your enemies will die,

and all the wicked will be defeated.

10You have made me as strong as a wild ox;

you have blessed me with happiness.

11I have seen the defeat of my enemies

and heard the cries of the wicked.

12The righteous will flourish like palm trees;

they will grow like the cedars of Lebanon.

13They are like trees planted in the house of the LORD,

that flourish in the Temple of our God,

14that still bear fruit in old age

and are always green and strong.

15This shows that the LORD is just,

that there is no wrong in my protector.

Psalms 93

God the King

1The LORD is king.

He is clothed with majesty and strength.

The earth is set firmly in place

and cannot be moved.

2Your throne, O LORD, has been firm from the beginning,

and you existed before time began.

3The ocean depths raise their voice, O LORD;

they raise their voice and roar.

4The LORD rules supreme in heaven,

greater than the roar of the ocean,

more powerful than the waves of the sea.

5Your laws are eternal, LORD,

and your Temple is holy indeed,

for ever and ever.

Psalms 94

God the Judge of All

1LORD, you are a God who punishes;

reveal your anger!

2You are the judge of all;

rise and give the proud what they deserve!

3How much longer will the wicked be glad?

How much longer, LORD?

4How much longer will criminals be proud

and boast about their crimes?

5They crush your people, LORD;

they oppress those who belong to you.

6They kill widows and orphans,

and murder the strangers who live in our land.

7They say, “The LORD does not see us;

the God of Israel does not notice.”

8My people, how can you be such stupid fools?

When will you ever learn?

9God made our ears — can't he hear?

He made our eyes — can't he see?

10He scolds the nations — won't he punish them?

He is the teacher of all — hasn't he any knowledge?

11The LORD knows what they think;

he knows how senseless their reasoning is.

12LORD, how happy are those you instruct,

the ones to whom you teach your law!

13You give them rest from days of trouble

until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.

14The LORD will not abandon his people;

he will not desert those who belong to him.

15Justice will again be found in the courts,

and all righteous people will support it.

16Who stood up for me against the wicked?

Who took my side against the evildoers?

17If the LORD had not helped me,

I would have gone quickly to the land of silence.

18I said, “I am falling”;

but your constant love, O LORD, held me up.

19Whenever I am anxious and worried,

you comfort me and make me glad.

20You have nothing to do with corrupt judges,

who make injustice legal,

21who plot against good people

and sentence the innocent to death.

22But the LORD defends me;

my God protects me.

23He will punish them for their wickedness

and destroy them for their sins;

the LORD our God will destroy them.

Psalms 95

A Song of Praise

1Come, let us praise the LORD!

Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us!

2Let us come before him with thanksgiving

and sing joyful songs of praise.

3For the LORD is a mighty God,

a mighty king over all the gods.

4He rules over the whole earth,

from the deepest caves to the highest hills.

5He rules over the sea, which he made;

the land also, which he himself formed.

6Come, let us bow down and worship him;

let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!

7He is our God;

we are the people he cares for,

the flock for which he provides.

Listen today to what he says:

8“Don't be stubborn, as your ancestors were at Meribah,

as they were that day in the desert at Massah.

9There they put me to the test and tried me,

although they had seen what I did for them.

10For forty years I was disgusted with those people.

I said, ‘How disloyal they are!

They refuse to obey my commands.’

11I was angry and made a solemn promise:

‘You will never enter the land

where I would have given you rest.’ ”

Psalms 96

God the Supreme King

1Sing a new song to the LORD!

Sing to the LORD, all the world!

2Sing to the LORD, and praise him!

Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us.

3Proclaim his glory to the nations,

his mighty deeds to all peoples.

4The LORD is great and is to be highly praised;

he is to be honoured more than all the gods.

5The gods of all other nations are only idols,

but the LORD created the heavens.

6Glory and majesty surround him;

power and beauty fill his Temple.

7Praise the LORD, all people on earth;

praise his glory and might.

8Praise the LORD's glorious name;

bring an offering and come into his Temple.

9Bow down before the Holy One when he appears;

tremble before him, all the earth!

10Say to all the nations, “The LORD is king!

The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved;

he will judge the peoples with justice.”

11Be glad, earth and sky!

Roar, sea, and every creature in you;

12be glad, fields, and everything in you!

The trees in the woods will shout for joy

13when the LORD comes to rule the earth.

He will rule the peoples of the world

with justice and fairness.

Psalms 90:1-96:13GNBOpen in Bible reader
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