40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 13

Apple of God’s Eye
by Pat Baxter
Bible text(s)
Psalms 17
The Prayer of an Innocent Person
‘The Apple of The Eye’ was originally a metaphor used in biblical times to describe the spherical shape of the pupil: the most sensitive part of the body. The pupil is the structure that tells what a person is touched by, sees and cherishes most. The Hebrew understanding of the pupil literally means ‘the little man of the eye’ that shows what a person loves above all else.
In this text the psalmist sees that what is most important is to ask God that you be kept cherished and protected under His wing. The eye is thus the window to the soul. The plea is to be beloved, to be precious to God always. The psalmist asks to be protected from all else that may get in the way of this treasured love.