Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 18


by Pat Baxter

Bible text(s)

Song of Songs 2

10My lover speaks to me.

The Man

Come then, my love;

my darling, come with me.

11The winter is over; the rains have stopped;

12in the countryside the flowers are in bloom.

This is the time for singing;

the song of doves is heard in the fields.

13Figs are beginning to ripen;

the air is fragrant with blossoming vines.

Come then, my love;

my darling, come with me.

Song of Songs 2:10-13GNBOpen in Bible reader

When Solomon invites us into the picture of a beautiful woman and a swooning lover saying: Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me, we can imagine the delight that is there: winter is past and all is prepared for the new life to come. We look on with joy in our hearts; happy for the two who have discovered God’s gift.

Take a moment now to think of the delight God also has in us. We are God’s beloved. Could we imagine God saying: ‘Arise my darling, my beautiful one, come with me’? Can you imagine the spring in your step you will have when you remember God’s love for you.

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