Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 27


by Noelene Curry

Bible text(s)

John 13

The New Commandment

31After Judas had left, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man's glory is revealed; now God's glory is revealed through him. 32And if God's glory is revealed through him, then God will reveal the glory of the Son of Man in himself, and he will do so at once. 33My children, I shall not be with you very much longer. You will look for me; but I tell you now what I told the Jewish authorities, ‘You cannot go where I am going.’ 34And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.”

Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial

36“Where are you going, Lord?” Simon Peter asked him.

“You cannot follow me now where I am going,” answered Jesus; “but later you will follow me.”

37“Lord, why can't I follow you now?” asked Peter. “I am ready to die for you!”

John 13:31-37GNBOpen in Bible reader

If we truly love ourselves, God and one another and dwell in the love given us, life will be meaningful. If we dwell in places where love is not, we will find life meaningless and we will continue to struggle.  When we experience meaninglessness, take time to see where the Source of Love is and dwell in God’s tender care. Begin with loving yourself and the meaning  of God’s love for you will become clear as will God’s love that will enable you to find meaning once more.

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