Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 33

Turn your Face to God

by Noelene Curry

Bible text(s)

Leviticus 26

Blessings for Obedience

1The LORD said, “Do not make idols or set up statues, stone pillars, or carved stones to worship. I am the LORD your God. 2Keep the religious festivals and honour the place where I am worshipped. I am the LORD.

3“If you live according to my laws and obey my commands, 4I will send you rain at the right time, so that the land will produce crops and the trees will bear fruit. 5Your crops will be so plentiful that you will still be harvesting corn when it is time to pick grapes, and you will still be picking grapes when it is time to sow corn. You will have all that you want to eat, and you will live in safety in your land.

6“I will give you peace in your land, and you will sleep without being afraid of anyone. I will get rid of the dangerous animals in the land, and there will be no more war there. 7You will be victorious over your enemies; 8five of you will be able to defeat a hundred, and a hundred will be able to defeat 10,000. 9I will bless you and give you many children; I will keep my part of the covenant that I made with you. 10Your harvests will be so plentiful that they will last for a year, and even then you will have to throw away what is left of the old harvest to make room for the new. 11I will live among you in my sacred tent, and I will never turn away from you. 12I will be with you; I will be your God, and you will be my people. 13I, the LORD your God, brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves. I broke the power that held you down and I let you walk with your head held high.”

Leviticus 26:1-13GNBOpen in Bible reader

I am the Lord your God that brought you out of Egypt… I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads up high. Are we caught up in our own problems and pain that we fail to look to God. Being self-absorbed causes us to miss out on so much of what God wants to give us, don’t you think? For some, it takes years to change attitudes and outlooks on life. Let us receive what God has already given us, lift our heads up high, and receive all God’s blessings, and then show others how it is also possible for others to walk and talk, with heads up high.

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