Bible Society of South Africa
Hennie Symington

A journey of the soul – Day 3

Join God’s resistance movement

Bible text(s)

Romans 12

9Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. 10Love one another warmly as Christian brothers and sisters, and be eager to show respect for one another. 11Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion.

Romans 12:9-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

The kind of life we live is killing us. The excess, the stress on the environment, the race for bigger and better, the struggle for survival are all taking their toll, while the demands we make on ourselves are making us ill.

Depression and a loss of joie d’ vivre are signs of the times. We cannot eat, we cannot sleep and life is a drag. Instead, we watch TV mindlessly to pass the time, while loneliness and boredom drive us to distraction.

There is another way. Join the resistance! Make optimism your default setting. Optimism is not just a pie in the sky. It is based on the solid belief and expectation that God will fulfil his promises. Optimism changes hope into action. That is why we should be filled with passion to do God’s will. Optimism inspires, while pessimism pulls others into the pit of negativity. Toxic attitudes poison our lives, while a positive attitude breeds optimism.

Christ shows us the way. Sickness, injustice and the death of the innocents went against his grain. For him, it was a contradiction of God’s purpose and that is why he resisted evil, negativity and prejudice until his last breath on earth. To continue his work on earth, he appointed us as the resistance fighters in his creation. So, let us get out there and do it!

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