Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

A new start – Day 19

A new start … God is involved in his creation

Bible text(s)

Job 28

24Because he sees the ends of the earth,

Sees everything under the sky.

Psalms 50

10all the animals in the forest are mine

and the cattle on thousands of hills.

11All the wild birds are mine

and all living things in the fields.

Psalms 50:10-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

[BACKGROUND: I would like to share two testimonies of God’s protection and care for us today.]

Reader 1, Marilyn: “My daughter is the head girl of her elementary school. One of her duties includes the promotion of recycling. A few days ago, the Green Leaders (a group of learners involved with recycling projects) launched a project in which they handed out stickers and gathered material from parents and children for recycling.
I demonstrated how the sorting should be correctly done to the Green Leaders. After my demonstration, I walked with satisfaction to my car. Then, I realised that I no longer had my car keys in my hand! Where in the world would I find the keys among the many bags with recycling material?
The children helped me look, but we did not find anything. However, I did not panic at all. It was as if the Holy Spirit’s peace filled my heart. I prayed that God would lead me to find the keys. I barely finished praying, when I suddenly saw the keys before me. A sense of gratitude overwhelmed me when I realised that God, indeed, sees everything in his creation. We can even ask him to help us look for lost items! All glory goes to God.”

Reader 2, Anele: “I am slightly deaf in one ear and would usually not be wakened by any sound during the night. Last Monday morning however, I woke up at 03:00 with the sound of a dog howling. The animal was clearly in distress.
My husband and I looked through our bedroom window. Initially, we did not see anything. Then suddenly, we saw a little miniature sausage dog on the ground with the largest owl, I have ever seen, a small distance away – ready to attack! We ran out the door and chased the owl away. It flew a few metres away, but did not want to leave its prey that it had just dropped on our lawn. I picked up the dog and took him inside, convinced that God woke us up to save the dog’s life.
Even though I was not very fond of animals before, the dog and I are inseparable now. This event gave me hope. If God went to such measures to save an animal, how much more does he want to take care of us, his children!”

In Job 28:24 we read, “For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.” In Psalm 50:10-11 we read that God knows about every animal on earth: “For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. “I know every bird of the mountains, and everything that moves in the field is Mine.”

God sees everything in creation. Why don’t you start involving him in the details of your life? God bless.

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