Bible Society of South Africa

His Kingdom Comes – Day 82

Beginning with the truth that the Lord is king over all the earth, reading of God's promise of a coming king, Christ's declaration and explanation of the Kingdom, and culminating with a glimpse towards the day when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, when he will reign for ever and ever.

Bible text(s)

Psalms 95

A Song of Praise

1Come, let us praise the LORD!

Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us!

2Let us come before him with thanksgiving

and sing joyful songs of praise.

3For the LORD is a mighty God,

a mighty king over all the gods.

4He rules over the whole earth,

from the deepest caves to the highest hills.

5He rules over the sea, which he made;

the land also, which he himself formed.

6Come, let us bow down and worship him;

let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!

Psalms 95:1-6GNBOpen in Bible reader
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