Bible Society of South Africa

Ruth – Day 230

Bible text(s)

Ruth 4

2Then Boaz got ten of the leaders of the town and asked them to sit down there too. When they were seated, 3he said to his relative, “Now that Naomi has come back from Moab, she wants to sell the field that belonged to our relative Elimelech, 4and I think you ought to know about it. Now then, if you want it, buy it in the presence of these men sitting here. But if you don't want it, say so, because the right to buy it belongs first to you and then to me.”

The man said, “I will buy it.”

5Boaz said, “Very well, but if you buy the field from Naomi, then you are also buying Ruth, the Moabite widow, so that the field will stay in the dead man's family.”

6The man answered, “In that case I will give up my right to buy the field, because it would mean that my own children would not inherit it. You buy it; I would rather not.”

Ruth 4:2-6GNBOpen in Bible reader

The book of Ruth: a story of suffering and loss giving way to hope and new beginnings

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