Bible Society of South Africa

Called to Care – Day 4

The wounded Healer

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 53

2It was the will of the LORD that his servant

should grow like a plant taking root in dry ground.

He had no dignity or beauty

to make us take notice of him.

There was nothing attractive about him,

nothing that would draw us to him.

3We despised him and rejected him;

he endured suffering and pain.

No one would even look at him —

we ignored him as if he were nothing.

4“But he endured the suffering that should have been ours,

the pain that we should have borne.

All the while we thought that his suffering

was punishment sent by God.

5But because of our sins he was wounded,

beaten because of the evil we did.

We are healed by the punishment he suffered,

made whole by the blows he received.

Isaiah 53:2-5GNBOpen in Bible reader

Isaiah’s prophecy about God’s suffering servant who heals others, gives a moving description of the ministry of the wounded servant who heals despite his own pain.

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