Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 11


Bible text(s)

Psalms 31

14But my trust is in you, O LORD;

you are my God.

15I am always in your care;

save me from my enemies,

from those who persecute me.

16Look on your servant with kindness;

save me in your constant love.

Psalms 31:14-16GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 31

22I was afraid and thought

that he had driven me out of his presence.

But he heard my cry,

when I called to him for help.

Psalms 31:22GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 31

24Be strong, be courageous,

all you that hope in the LORD.

Psalms 31:24GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 33

18The LORD watches over those who obey him,

those who trust in his constant love.

19He saves them from death;

he keeps them alive in times of famine.

20We put our hope in the LORD;

he is our protector and our help.

21We are glad because of him;

we trust in his holy name.

22May your constant love be with us, LORD,

as we put our hope in you.

Psalms 33:18-22GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 69

29But I am in pain and despair;

lift me up, O God, and save me!

30I will praise God with a song;

I will proclaim his greatness by giving him thanks.

31This will please the LORD more than offering him cattle,

more than sacrificing a full-grown bull.

32When the oppressed see this, they will be glad;

those who worship God will be encouraged.

33The LORD listens to those in need

and does not forget his people in prison.

34Praise God, O heaven and earth,

seas and all creatures in them.

35He will save Jerusalem

and rebuild the towns of Judah.

His people will live there and possess the land;

36the descendants of his servants will inherit it,

and those who love him will live there.

Psalms 69:29-36GNBOpen in Bible reader

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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