Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 25

Old age

Bible text(s)

Psalms 71

4My God, rescue me from the wicked,

from the power of those who are cruel and evil.

5Sovereign LORD, I put my hope in you;

I have trusted in you since I was young.

6I have relied on you all my life;

you have protected me since the day I was born.

I will always praise you.

7My life has been an example to many,

because you have been my strong defender.

8All day long I praise you

and proclaim your glory.

9Do not reject me now that I am old;

do not abandon me now that I am feeble.

Psalms 71:4-9GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 92

12The righteous will flourish like palm trees;

they will grow like the cedars of Lebanon.

13They are like trees planted in the house of the LORD,

that flourish in the Temple of our God,

14that still bear fruit in old age

and are always green and strong.

15This shows that the LORD is just,

that there is no wrong in my protector.

Psalms 92:12-15GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 71

16I will go in the strength of the LORD God;

I will proclaim your goodness, yours alone.

17You have taught me ever since I was young,

and I still tell of your wonderful acts.

18Now that I am old and my hair is grey,

do not abandon me, O God!

Be with me while I proclaim your power and might

to all generations to come.

19Your righteousness, God, reaches the skies.

You have done great things;

there is no one like you.

20You have sent troubles and suffering on me,

but you will restore my strength;

you will keep me from the grave.

Psalms 71:16-20GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 90

Book Four

Psalms 90—106

Of God and Humanity

1O Lord, you have always been our home.

2Before you created the hills

or brought the world into being,

you were eternally God,

and will be God for ever.

3You tell us to return to what we were;

you change us back to dust.

4A thousand years to you are like one day;

they are like yesterday, already gone,

like a short hour in the night.

5You carry us away like a flood;

we last no longer than a dream.

We are like weeds that sprout in the morning,

6that grow and burst into bloom,

then dry up and die in the evening.

7We are destroyed by your anger;

we are terrified by your fury.

8You place our sins before you,

our secret sins where you can see them.

9Our life is cut short by your anger;

it fades away like a whisper.

10Seventy years is all we have —

eighty years, if we are strong;

yet all they bring us is trouble and sorrow;

life is soon over, and we are gone.

11Who has felt the full power of your anger?

Who knows what fear your fury can bring?

12Teach us how short our life is,

so that we may become wise.

13How much longer will your anger last?

Have pity, O LORD, on your servants!

14Fill us each morning with your constant love,

so that we may sing and be glad all our life.

15Give us now as much happiness as the sadness you gave us

during all our years of misery.

16Let us, your servants, see your mighty deeds;

let our descendants see your glorious might.

17LORD our God, may your blessings be with us.

Give us success in all we do!

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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