Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 4


Bible text(s)

Psalms 116

Someone Saved from Death Praises God

1I love the LORD, because he hears me;

he listens to my prayers.

2He listens to me

every time I call to him.

3The danger of death was all round me;

the horrors of the grave closed in on me;

I was filled with fear and anxiety.

4Then I called to the LORD,

“I beg you, LORD, save me!”

5The LORD is merciful and good;

our God is compassionate.

6The LORD protects the helpless;

when I was in danger, he saved me.

Psalms 116:1-6GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 22

A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise

1My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

I have cried desperately for help,

but still it does not come.

2During the day I call to you, my God,

but you do not answer;

I call at night,

but get no rest.

3But you are enthroned as the Holy One,

the one whom Israel praises.

Psalms 22:1-3GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 22

24He does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering;

he does not turn away from them,

but answers when they call for help.”

25In the full assembly I will praise you for what you have done;

in the presence of those who worship you

I will offer the sacrifices I promised.

Psalms 22:24-25GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 119

The Justice of the Law of the LORD

137You are righteous, LORD,

and your laws are just.

138The rules that you have given

are completely fair and right.

139My anger burns in me like a fire,

because my enemies disregard your commands.

140How certain your promise is!

How I love it!

141I am unimportant and despised,

but I do not neglect your teachings.

142Your righteousness will last for ever,

and your law is always true.

143I am filled with trouble and anxiety,

but your commandments bring me joy.

144Your instructions are always just;

give me understanding, and I shall live.

Psalms 119:137-144GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 34

5The oppressed look to him and are glad;

they will never be disappointed.

6The helpless call to him, and he answers;

he saves them from all their troubles.

7His angel guards those who honour the LORD

and rescues them from danger.

Psalms 34:5-7GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 25

16Turn to me, LORD, and be merciful to me,

because I am lonely and weak.

17Relieve me of my worries

and save me from all my troubles.

18Consider my distress and suffering

and forgive all my sins.

19See how many enemies I have;

see how much they hate me.

20Protect me and save me;

keep me from defeat.

I come to you for safety.

21May my goodness and honesty preserve me,

because I trust in you.

22From all their troubles, O God,

save your people Israel!

Psalms 25:16-22GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 27

7Hear me, LORD, when I call to you!

Be merciful and answer me!

8When you said, “Come and worship me,”

I answered, “I will come, LORD;

9don't hide yourself from me!”

Don't be angry with me;

don't turn your servant away.

You have been my help;

don't leave me, don't abandon me,

O God, my saviour.

10My father and mother may abandon me,

but the LORD will take care of me.

11Teach me, LORD, what you want me to do,

and lead me along a safe path,

because I have many enemies.

12Don't abandon me to my enemies,

who attack me with lies and threats.

13I know that I will live to see

the LORD's goodness in this present life.

14Trust in the LORD.

Have faith, do not despair.

Trust in the LORD.

Psalms 27:7-14GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 31

10I am exhausted by sorrow,

and weeping has shortened my life.

I am weak from all my troubles;

even my bones are wasting away.

11All my enemies, and especially my neighbours,

treat me with contempt;

those who know me are afraid of me;

when they see me in the street, they run away.

12Everyone has forgotten me, as though I were dead;

I am like something thrown away.

13I hear many enemies whispering;

terror is all round me.

They are making plans against me,

plotting to kill me.

14But my trust is in you, O LORD;

you are my God.

Psalms 31:10-14GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 69

A Cry for Help

1Save me, O God!

The water is up to my neck;

2I am sinking in deep mud,

and there is no solid ground;

I am out in deep water,

and the waves are about to drown me.

3I am worn out from calling for help,

and my throat is aching.

I have strained my eyes,

looking for your help.

Psalms 69:1-3GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 69

14Save me from sinking in the mud;

keep me safe from my enemies,

safe from the deep water.

15Don't let the flood come over me;

don't let me drown in the depths

or sink into the grave.

16Answer me, LORD, in the goodness of your constant love;

in your great compassion turn to me!

17Don't hide yourself from your servant;

I am in great trouble — answer me now!

18Come to me and save me;

rescue me from my enemies.

Psalms 69:14-18GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 69

29But I am in pain and despair;

lift me up, O God, and save me!

30I will praise God with a song;

I will proclaim his greatness by giving him thanks.

31This will please the LORD more than offering him cattle,

more than sacrificing a full-grown bull.

32When the oppressed see this, they will be glad;

those who worship God will be encouraged.

33The LORD listens to those in need

and does not forget his people in prison.

34Praise God, O heaven and earth,

seas and all creatures in them.

35He will save Jerusalem

and rebuild the towns of Judah.

His people will live there and possess the land;

36the descendants of his servants will inherit it,

and those who love him will live there.

Psalms 69:29-36GNBOpen in Bible reader

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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