Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 6


Bible text(s)

Psalms 16

7I praise the LORD, because he guides me,

and in the night my conscience warns me.

8I am always aware of the LORD's presence;

he is near, and nothing can shake me.

9And so I am thankful and glad,

and I feel completely secure,

10because you protect me from the power of death.

I have served you faithfully,

and you will not abandon me to the world of the dead.

11You will show me the path that leads to life;

your presence fills me with joy

and brings me pleasure for ever.

Psalms 16:7-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 30

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

1I praise you, LORD, because you have saved me

and kept my enemies from gloating over me.

2I cried to you for help, O LORD my God,

and you healed me;

3you kept me from the grave.

I was on my way to the depths below,

but you restored my life.

4Sing praise to the LORD,

all his faithful people!

Remember what the Holy One has done,

and give him thanks!

5His anger lasts only a moment,

his goodness for a lifetime.

Tears may flow in the night,

but joy comes in the morning.

Psalms 30:1-5GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 16

A Prayer of Confidence

1Protect me, O God; I trust in you for safety.

2I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord;

all the good things I have come from you.”

3How excellent are the LORD's faithful people!

My greatest pleasure is to be with them.

4Those who rush to other gods

bring many troubles on themselves.

I will not take part in their sacrifices;

I will not worship their gods.

5You, LORD, are all I have,

and you give me all I need;

my future is in your hands.

6How wonderful are your gifts to me;

how good they are!

7I praise the LORD, because he guides me,

and in the night my conscience warns me.

8I am always aware of the LORD's presence;

he is near, and nothing can shake me.

9And so I am thankful and glad,

and I feel completely secure,

10because you protect me from the power of death.

I have served you faithfully,

and you will not abandon me to the world of the dead.

11You will show me the path that leads to life;

your presence fills me with joy

and brings me pleasure for ever.

Psalms 147

In Praise of God the Almighty

1Praise the LORD!

It is good to sing praise to our God;

it is pleasant and right to praise him.

2The LORD is restoring Jerusalem;

he is bringing back the exiles.

3He heals the broken-hearted

and bandages their wounds.

4He has decided the number of the stars

and calls each one by name.

5Great and mighty is our Lord;

his wisdom cannot be measured.

6He raises the humble,

but crushes the wicked to the ground.

7Sing hymns of praise to the LORD;

play music on the harp to our God.

8He spreads clouds over the sky;

he provides rain for the earth

and makes grass grow on the hills.

9He gives animals their food

and feeds the young ravens when they call.

10His pleasure is not in strong horses,

nor his delight in brave soldiers;

11but he takes pleasure in those who honour him,

in those who trust in his constant love.

12Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem!

Praise your God, O Zion!

13He keeps your gates strong;

he blesses your people.

14He keeps your borders safe

and satisfies you with the finest wheat.

15He gives a command to the earth,

and what he says is quickly done.

16He spreads snow like a blanket

and scatters frost like dust.

17He sends hail like gravel;

no one can endure the cold he sends!

18Then he gives a command, and the ice melts;

he sends the wind, and the water flows.

19He gives his message to his people,

his instructions and laws to Israel.

20He has not done this for other nations;

they do not know his laws.

Praise the LORD!

Psalms 147GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 148

A Call for the Universe to Praise God

1Praise the LORD!

Praise the LORD from heaven,

you that live in the heights above.

2Praise him, all his angels,

all his heavenly armies.

3Praise him, sun and moon;

praise him, shining stars.

4Praise him, highest heavens,

and the waters above the sky.

5Let them all praise the name of the LORD!

He commanded, and they were created;

6by his command they were fixed in their places for ever,

and they cannot disobey.

7Praise the LORD from the earth,

sea monsters and all ocean depths;

8lightning and hail, snow and clouds,

strong winds that obey his command.

9Praise him, hills and mountains,

fruit trees and forests;

10all animals, tame and wild,

reptiles and birds.

11Praise him, kings and all peoples,

princes and all other rulers;

12young women and young men,

old people and children too.

13Let them all praise the name of the LORD!

His name is greater than all others;

his glory is above earth and heaven.

14He made his nation strong,

so that all his people praise him —

the people of Israel, so dear to him.

Praise the LORD!

Psalms 148GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 30

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

1I praise you, LORD, because you have saved me

and kept my enemies from gloating over me.

2I cried to you for help, O LORD my God,

and you healed me;

3you kept me from the grave.

I was on my way to the depths below,

but you restored my life.

4Sing praise to the LORD,

all his faithful people!

Remember what the Holy One has done,

and give him thanks!

5His anger lasts only a moment,

his goodness for a lifetime.

Tears may flow in the night,

but joy comes in the morning.

6I felt secure and said to myself,

“I will never be defeated.”

7You were good to me, LORD;

you protected me like a mountain fortress.

But then you hid yourself from me,

and I was afraid.

8I called to you, LORD;

I begged for your help:

9“What will you gain from my death?

What profit from my going to the grave?

Are dead people able to praise you?

Can they proclaim your unfailing goodness?

10Hear me, LORD, and be merciful!

Help me, LORD!”

11You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance;

you have taken away my sorrow

and surrounded me with joy.

12So I will not be silent;

I will sing praise to you.

LORD, you are my God,

I will give you thanks for ever.

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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