Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Draw near to God – Day 12

Draw near to God in your concerns for your loved ones

Bible text(s)

1 Peter 5

7Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 56

3When I am afraid, O LORD Almighty,

I put my trust in you.

Psalms 56:3GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 37

5Give yourself to the LORD;

trust in him, and he will help you;

Psalms 37:5GNBOpen in Bible reader

[I realise that many readers struggle with fear and worry about their loved ones’ well-being. I would like to share an experience I had a few years ago.]

At the beginning of 2015, we decided to move our daughter, Joalé, to a new school for logistical reasons. As for most children going to a new school, the first day is filled with tears. However, these tears persisted during drop-off times.

After almost two weeks of Joalé crying when I drop her off at school, driving to work with a heavy heart and praying for her well-being throughout the day, I seriously began to wonder if we, perhaps, made a mistake by moving her to the new school. One morning, after she cried again when I dropped her off, I earnestly asked God for wisdom in this situation. In my car on the way to work, I suddenly experienced God’s clear voice through the Holy Spirit in my heart: “Benescke, do you realise that Joalé’s best interests are even more important to Me than what they are to you?”

That was a light bulb moment for me, as the weight of the world on my shoulders dropped. I realised that, as important as it is for us as parents to ensure that our children get the best possible education and opportunities, it’s even more important for God, their Creator, as He knows what He has planned for each of their futures. It took a lot of pressure off me. I decided to thank God and give the whole situation completely to Him. That was the last morning Joalé cried when I dropped her off.

What is your concern today that feels like a mountain on your shoulders? Are you afraid that your children might befriend the wrong crowd at school? Do you wonder if your high school child chose the right subjects or if your student child is studying the right course? Are you worried about the safety of your parents or children far away from you? Or do you sometimes worry that the dreams in your heart might never become a reality?

Although nowhere in the Bible it is, explicitly, said that worry is a sin, it nevertheless boils down to a lack of faith and trust in God, in that specific area of our lives. Therefore, instead of worrying, let us do what Paul says in 1 Peter 5:7: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” In Psalm 56:3 the psalmist writes: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” And in Psalm 37:5 we read: “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.”

If something is important to you, it is important to God. He can help us fulfil our dreams, He can protect our children and parents, and He can lead each of us to make the right decisions as He knows each of our futures. Remember, God has the best interest at heart for our own and our loved ones’ well-being. Let us draw close to Him and thank Him in advance instead of allowing worry to control us. God bless.

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