Eternal Wisdom – Day 21

God strengthens faith - Part 2
- Through his Church
- Through public worship
- Through teaching
- Through fellowship with Christ and fellow-believers
- Through the Lord’s Supper
- Through prayer
Bible text(s)
Acts 2
Acts 2
Acts 4
The Believers Share their Possessions
Acts 9
Luke 4
Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth
Hebrews 10
Ephesians 5
Psalms 27
Psalms 122
In Praise of Jerusalem
Romans 10
Colossians 1
1 John 1
Romans 12
1 Corinthians 12
John 6
1 Corinthians 10
John 16
Matthew 7
Ask, Seek, Knock
Luke 11
Jesus' Teaching on Prayer
1 John 5
The church (his body), with her gathering together in public worship, the sacraments and mutual fellowship of believers, is the home God offers the faithful.