Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Hancox

Fruit of the Spirit – Day 8

Get to work!

Bible text(s)

Ruth 2

2One day Ruth said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields to gather the corn that the harvest workers leave. I am sure to find someone who will let me work with him.”

Naomi answered, “Go ahead, my daughter.”

Serving others is something I know I should be doing more often and more willingly, but it is often easier said than done. In addition, serving those closest to me, especially my family, is often the most difficult of all. Thankfully, the Bible is filled with countless examples of godly men and women who possess a servant’s heart and were blessed for their kindness, selflessness, hard work and humility. One excellent example of a woman who always put the needs of her family above her own was Ruth.

Ruth’s story is a well-known one. It is the story of the devotion and faithfulness of a Moabite woman who leaves her homeland in Moab after the death of her husband and goes to live in the land of Israel with her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth took upon herself the role of a servant to the mother-in-law whom she had come to love so very deeply. However, what struck me about her story as I read it again, was the way in which Ruth served Naomi. She went to work. Ruth was not one to simply accept charity; she was determined to earn whatever she needed to care for herself and Naomi.

When Ruth and Naomi arrived in Bethlehem, they were dirt poor. Ruth needed to take care of Naomi, so she spent her days in fields, picking up the grain the harvesters had left behind. Taking care of your family is not glamorous, but servanthood is not supposed to be.

Ruth’s story also shows us how God rewards humility and the willingness to minister to the needs of others. He blessed Ruth by bringing her into the field of Boaz, a man of great wealth who would one day become her husband. So often, there are blessings that God would willingly give to us, but our arrogant pride, greediness or worldliness stands in the way.

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